Tuesday, May 26, 2020

What Does Pop Culture Say Essay - 1239 Words

With the advancement of technology bridging the gap between countries, communication has traveled a long way from where it was in the past. With this development comes the fact that countries are becoming closer and closer. This closeness has led to the diffusion of pop culture all across the world. Along with the spread of pop culture, there has also been an establishment of an idea of what is popular in a certain country. Having this establishment let’s others outside of a country configure an image of what the people and country are like. However, many times, these views are disfigured. More often than not the people are misinformed and thus, the images created are not an accurate depiction of the country and its people. It is because†¦show more content†¦Some of the interesting info to come out of the polling included what Europeans viewed as the best of American culture, â€Å"40% said movies and TV were the best American cultural export† (Cohen). These r esults connect to the idea that TV shows and movies create a great influence to those outside of the United States. Of course it is understandable that things like Hollywood would be popular all across the globe. Hollywood is one of the largest movie industries in the world. However, not everyone is pleased with American TV shows and movies. In fact, much of this hate actually comes from citizens of the United States. In the same poll, â€Å"†¦when asked to identify Americas worst contribution to world culture, 32% of Americans pointed to film and television, a far higher proportion than in any other country and the single most popular response among U.S. respondents† (Cohen). Even though many other countries view American TV and films with admiration, Americans believe that it creates the highest negative cultural influence. This is of course compared to what Europeans chose as American’s worst contribution to the global culture which was food. So while some of these polling responses fit what would be expected, some of the American response was unexpected. Thus showing that many countries will have different views on how a country may be like, but in actuality, the actual image may be surprising. Some reasons as to why Americans may not like the ideaShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Essence Of Pop Culture813 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"Talk about Pop Music, Talk about Pop Music†¦Ã¢â‚¬  was one of the most catchy phrases of the 1980’s. Just as in the 80’s, today we see many characteristics of â€Å"pop culture† effecting our lives. But, what is â€Å"pop culture?† I spent some time online trying to answer my question and time after time I was led to the same direction: pop culture is what we see, hear, speak, and are otherwise exposed to on a daily basis. 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