Wednesday, May 6, 2020

How Does Philosophy And Justice Relate Or Go Hand

How does philosophy and justice relate or go hand in hand? As we grow up we are mentally trained on what justice means and describes in our life. The older we become the more we understand the justice and injustice in our political system. We start to see the politicians who have more money have more votes and eventually end up on top of the pole as opposed to the candidate who wasn’t as rich but could have brought our county more justice. We see the different types of government such as dictatorship and absolute monarchy. We begin to learn the different ways countries function and how many fail or take advantage of the goods and the people. Many philosophers have left us the theories, which we follow today. Many different government†¦show more content†¦We will never be satisfied and always want best for our selves and our families. One of Hobbes arguments on ones desires to be superior to other; describing human beings motive for power, vanity, and pleasure. â€Å" Hobbes held that because humans are selfish driven by greed, without government life would be a war of every man against every man and solitary poor, nasty, brutish, and short; to escape the situation, people must agree to subject themselves to a sovereign and give him the power to enforce peace among them† (page. 541). I agree with Hobbes ideas in this matter and I do feel it’s natural we are born this way. We are born and mentally trained to be better to become better and desire better things for our lives. A life with purpose requires ambition of one to have an ultimate goal or desire to strive to become the individual we want to be. We teach our children that they must go to school to get an education and to become someone powerful in the future and generations go on sharing the same idea. Hobbes believes for violence and politics were very unique and particular. He had an idea that the authority should be obeyed at all times regardless of us liking or agreeing to what we are being asked to do. Hobbed, Locke, and Rousseau shared the same ideas on the authority power over us. They believed those who were chosen to govern had the right to lead in the way they felt

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