Sunday, August 18, 2019

Nazi :: essays research papers fc

Sitting on an operating table, deep inside the corridors of Azchwitz concentration camp, a man is listening to the Nazi gun fire outside. He hears the innocent screams as automatic weapons mow through crowds of families deemed "unfit to live". Gradually silence falls, only to be broken again by the solitary pops of a pistol, finishing of those who did not die right off. It should be a sickening feeling for this man, he should feel anger and hate, and sadness for these newest additions to the Nazi stoves. But this man can no longer feel such sadness, such grief. Instead he feels only jealousy, jealousy for those who had died quickly, with a bullet to the brain or the heart. No doubt, considering what he's been through, and what he will go through still, he considers the others to be the lucky ones. They will not boil. They will not freeze. They will not be diseased or hacked apart. They will not have their heads explode in a pressurised chamber. They were the lucky ones, not chosen to act as guinea pigs to further science by dying a slow painful death at the hands of the most gruesome members of the Nazi party, the "Nazi Doctors". When World War two ended in 1945, over eleven thousand people had been exterminated(p4 Freidman) in the Nazis' effort to "racially purify" Germany and its' territories. It seemed tat the vast majority of these killings had taken place in concentration camps, by releasing Zyklon-B(p68 Guthman) in gas chambers disguised as showers. As the allies began holding the first war criminal trials, however, it was quickly seen that a secret, genocide far more hideous than was previously suspected, had taken place. Worse still, the killers were not radical soldiers, but respected members of the German scientificand Medical community. The German government had given the "Doctors of death" (p34, Gilbert) endless supplies of subjects to experiment on in any way they pleased. Some experiments were to benefit the army. They included high altitude tests, as well as the bodies reactions to freezing temperatures.(p2, Net) Other experiments were called for by the nazis themselves, such as tests in genetic traits, mind controlling drugs and mass sterilization.(p3-5, Net) There were medicine tests and more commonly, tests using diseases without any known cures. The most gruesome tests however, were fabricated in the twisted minds of the doctors themselves and are famous for their void of any purposes at all. The high altitude tests were experiments initiated by the nazi government and followed closely by Heinrich Himmler.(p36, Gilbert) The experiments were conducted in a low pressure chamber that could simulate flight up to 68,000 feet above sea level.

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