Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Football Essay

Have a skilled team put to gather to match other local teams of similar age and skill. (Competitive) Team WorkHard training, weekly with all team members will ensure good team skills which are compulsory in winning any tournament. I will make sure I am fully committed in training and coaching my team. Leading them to become a successful football team.Personal experience Secondary research (spectating other) Internet (YouTube, blogs, football magazines). The planned date for this to be completed is at least 1 week before local football tournament starts. This will give the team members, time to rest before they play their first match. Win a trophy with my football Team. Being competitiveThis is the last step and also my final goal for this business plan. I will Make sure my team wins all of their matches by playing specifically according to the other team’s weaknesses. This will require a lot of patience and extra hours of training.BBC Sport /advise offers some quick tips about football My own experience and secondary research.This goal should be completed after the last match which will be 2 weeks before footballs season ends. List the skills And explain how they are helpful When they will be helpful And why they are helpful.

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