Monday, May 13, 2019

Differentiating for Learning Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Differentiating for Learning process - Essay ExampleLearning profile is defined as ways in which schoolchilds learn crush as individuals. Every person has some ways that are effective for their learning, other factors that are opposite to these automatic every last(predicate)y slow learners down or make their learning slower and awkward. Experience, common sense and explore suggest to us that tutors, teachers or professors can tap into or suggest some routes that can erect effective and efficient learning to students. The aim or goal of learning or making ourselves witting of profile differentiation is to understand modes of learning that can work best for different students to make them yield quality results. The following lesson externalise is an example of a teaching program that will ensure that all students benefit from learning on the topic, Rain Forest. The plan is for students between Grades 3-5. It will take six weeks for the lesson to give the axe (Steed, 2000).All the powerpoint presentations will be evaluated with the use of created rubrics, oral report rubric and student evaluation form. Writing, on the other hand, will be evaluated using writing rubric. The videos will be evaluated with the use of cooperative base work for technical works, group contents. Awarding will be done using point charts (Steed, 2000).The to a higher place process represents a diversity of processes that make it possible for different students with different learning styles to concentrate. For instance, a student who is not well conversant with paperwork can successfully use powerpoint slides in computers. This process will similarly create student awareness on the best learning methods desirable for each due to the mixture of teaching and research methods. Students who fail to cope with the mentioned comprehensive processes are taken as those with special ask and get remedial from the tutors or fellow students who have understood the topic. However, the out come of such a plan will be more than 90% success as it covers virtually all the methods of learning suitable for different students.

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