Friday, May 31, 2019

Alzheimers Disease Essay -- Alzheimers Disease Essays

Memory loss, like old get along with is a condition which mankind has alwaysreluctantly accepted and always with resignation. Memory loses be any(prenominal)timestrivial and meaningless and go unrecognized. However, when these loses ar sogreat that a person does not know who or where they are the c formerlyrns are quitegrave. Although it is realize that Alzheimers disease destroys the brain memoryfunction, many do not realize precisely how the memory is destroyed once unrivalled isaware of the process, it becomes faster to work forward to alleviate thedestruction. Without memory there is no knowledge to recreate or reproduce pastperceptions, emotions, thoughts and actions that are so vital to live a full andfunctioning life. Memory is the key that unlocks doors that cover us functioning,not only mentally but physically (Corrick 32). Memory loss is not a sign of decay (Freedman 10). As we get older,there is some mild impairment in our recollection of late events, suc h asforgetting why one went into a room or misplacing a persons eye glasses, whicheven young are guilty of doing. As describe by Larry Squire, forgetting isquite normal and usually develops in the third decade of life, and by oneestimate 85 percent of the healthy elderly those everyplace 65suffer some memoryimpairment (59). According to Dr. Seligmann, forgetting is the process through which entropy in memory becomes inaccessible, either because it is stored but isnot at that time retrievable (51). This is one of the most important factors inforgetting. Memory loss is speedy at first and then gradually levels off. Thereare many types of dismembering enemies that hamper ones recall and retrievalsystem. Forgetting may be increased by folie from proactive inhibition,that is material learned beforehand, like trying to bring forward a soup recipe(51). In remembering stories or events there is a magnetic dip for distortions tooccur. Cutler explains that studies made by Eliza beth Loftus reveal, what youlearn today may really distort your memory of what happened to you yesterday. .. (62). People tend to remember the events that they regard as the mostimportant. They tone-beginning to reconstruct the event, usually what knowledge they maintain, with the result being what would have been expected rather than whatactually happened. Dr. Siegfried ... ...sease of the brain(Parke- Davis 6). Deficiency of cortical acetylcholine is believed to accountfor clinical aspect of mild to moderate dementia (Cognex 3). Cognex is the only drug of plectron presently used for treatment ofAlzheimers patients. Cognex presumably acts by elevating acetylcholineconcentration in cerebral cerebral mantle by slowing the degradation which is released byenact chelinergic neurons (Cognex 3). around 5,600 patients were on clinical trails about 17% wereimproved with memories. . . and 40% stayed the same no potpourri and about 20%had been withdrawn with adverse react ion (Cognex 4). In conclusion, when is memory loss, whether it is great or small, ittakes away the ability to recreate or reproduce to some extent our emotions,past experiences, thoughts and actions that we take for granted. It gives us farto a greater extent then we give it. The mind needs knowledge to keep us functioning and inreturn will perform amazing feats for us. Although the cause of Alzheimersdiseases recondite care, research is ongoing, worldwide. There is no evidencethat Cognex alters the course of the underlying demeaning process (Cognex 3). Alzheimers Disease Essay -- Alzheimers Disease EssaysMemory loss, like old age is a condition which mankind has alwaysreluctantly recognized and always with resignation. Memory loses are sometimestrivial and meaningless and go unrecognized. However, when these loses are sogreat that a person does not know who or where they are the concerns are quitegrave. Although it is realize that Alzheimers disease destroys the brain memoryfunction, many do not realize precisely how the memory is destroyed once one isaware of the process, it becomes faster to work forward to alleviate thedestruction. Without memory there is no knowledge to recreate or reproduce pastperceptions, emotions, thoughts and actions that are so vital to live a full andfunctioning life. Memory is the key that unlocks doors that keep us functioning,not only mentally but physically (Corrick 32). Memory loss is not a sign of decay (Freedman 10). As we get older,there is some mild impairment in our recollection of recent events, such asforgetting why one went into a room or misplacing a persons eye glasses, whicheven young are guilty of doing. As reported by Larry Squire, forgetting isquite normal and usually develops in the third decade of life, and by oneestimate 85 percent of the healthy elderly those over 65suffer some memoryimpairment (59). According to Dr. Seligmann, forgetting is the process through whichinforma tion in memory becomes inaccessible, either because it is stored but isnot at that time retrievable (51). This is one of the most important factors inforgetting. Memory loss is rapid at first and then gradually levels off. Thereare many types of dismembering enemies that hamper ones recall and retrievalsystem. Forgetting may be increased by interference from proactive inhibition,that is material learned beforehand, like trying to remember a soup recipe(51). In remembering stories or events there is a tendency for distortions tooccur. Cutler explains that studies made by Elizabeth Loftus reveal, what youlearn today may actually distort your memory of what happened to you yesterday. .. (62). People tend to remember the events that they regard as the mostimportant. They attempt to reconstruct the event, usually what knowledge theyhave, with the result being what would have been expected rather than whatactually happened. Dr. Siegfried ... ...sease of the brain(Parke- Davis 6). Deficiency of cortical acetylcholine is believed to accountfor clinical manifestation of mild to moderate dementia (Cognex 3). Cognex is the only drug of choice presently used for treatment ofAlzheimers patients. Cognex presumably acts by elevating acetylcholineconcentration in cerebral cortex by slowing the degradation which is released byenact chelinergic neurons (Cognex 3). Approximately 5,600 patients were on clinical trails about 17% wereimproved with memories. . . and 40% stayed the same no change and about 20%had been withdrawn with adverse reaction (Cognex 4). In conclusion, when is memory loss, whether it is great or small, ittakes away the ability to recreate or reproduce to some extent our emotions,past experiences, thoughts and actions that we take for granted. It gives us farmore then we give it. The mind needs knowledge to keep us functioning and inreturn will perform amazing feats for us. Although the cause of Alzheimersdiseases unknown care, research is ongoing, worldwide. There is no evidencethat Cognex alters the course of the underlying demeaning process (Cognex 3).

Thursday, May 30, 2019

A Remarkable Woman Of The Early West :: Free Essay Writer

Margaret Ann Martin was born in Greenfield, Nelson County, Virginia on January20th, 1834. Her parents were Hudson Martin and Nancy Thorpe. Hudson Marton wasborn in Virginia in 1765. At the close of the Revolutionary War, Giddeon Martin, his aftermoved to Kentucky. Giddeon Martin had fought for seven geezerhood in the Revolution underGeneral George Washington.Hudsont Martin and Nancy Thorpe were married March 22nd, 1824. Thefollowing children were born to this union John, their only son, and daughters Jane,Mahalley, Margaret Ann, Nancy and Jennie. They were raised in Virginia.Margaret Anns mother died in 1859 and her father in 1861. Margaret Ann wasmarried to Andrew Jackson on December 16th, 1858. They loved in Broxton County,West Virginia. Andrew Jackson, joined with the Confederate Army and was madeCaptain of Company B-19th Virginia Cavalry.Mrs. Jackson was say northwest in the fall of 1863. All of her possessions andproperty were confiscated and she was allowed to take only her two saddle bags ofclothing, approximately sixty pounds of baggage. She was carried on horseback, under a flag of truce through the Confederate lines to her house in Virginia.During his four years of service in the army, Captain Jackson came home to visithis wife terzetto times. On one visit, he only had time for dinner with her and had been goneab verboten fifteen minutes when the house was surrounded by soldiers. Once he came for avisit overnight and at another time for nine days.At the close of war, Captain and Mrs. Jackson moved to South Carolina two yearsin the fall of 1865hey started West by ox teams, stopping in Bandera Couny, Texas, wherethey remained until 1873. Mr. Jackson was running a sawmill there.They left Texas, May 1873 with three wagons and ox teams, driving five yoke ofoxen to one wagon and four yoke each to the other two wagons. They avaraved fromtwenty to twenty five miles per day. At night, when camped, two oxen were neckedtogether and belled.They spent that wi nter in Trinadad, Colorado, where they could have good rangefor there cattle, remaining there until May 1874 when they started north on the third leg oftheir journey, going out by Larma City, Pueblo, Denver and down to the great Salt Lake,hence to Corrine into Idaho, down the Snake River to Munds Ferry, then out over thePowder Range into backer City, Oregon. From here they traveled into Grand RoundValley, crossed the Blued mountains into Walla-Walla and continued up the Columbia

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

The Passing of the Crown by Shakespeares Henries Essay -- Henry IV He

The Passing of the Crown by Shakespeares Henries In his histories from Richard II by dint of henry V to Richard III, Shakespeare depicts the English monarchy as a crippled between family and friends of vying for a gold ring -- the crown. Shakespeare gives his reader a central fiction done which to see this equation in tycoon Henry IV part one. The prank Prince Hal, later King Henry V, and his friend, Poins, play on their friends, particularly Falstaff, parallels the plots central passing of the crown. In the first act, Poins outlines his plan to play a prank on Falstaff and their other friends to Prince Hal, They Falstaff and others will adventure upon the exploit of stealing money from travelers themselves, which they shall dupe no sooner achieved but well set upon them (I.ii.169-71). This exactly represents the larger action that takes place in this same piece. King Henry IV, previously Bolingbroke, usurped the crown from King Richard II in Shakespeares play of that title, and now, in this King Henry Hotspur is trying to take from Bolingbroke, the name he contemptuously insists on using for the magnate, the crown which the king rightfully stole already. Hals prank can, in fact, be seen as the summarizing play within the play so popular in Elizabethan drama. Not only does Hals light-hearted game sum up the events of this history, it also works as a microcosm of the events in King Richard III, a tragedy wherein Richard steals the throne from his brothers, Edward and George, who, in turn, stole it from Henry VI. The metaphor becomes even more obviously applicable when we hear Falstaffs self-defense for giving up the stolen money so easily, Was it for me to kill the heir apparent?... ...taining the position and alive(p) in its ceremonies is a game. However, I dont come back this means that the role is an impossible one to actually possess, that its always simply an unreachable construct that everyone pretends at. I think it just means that Shakespeare sees the crown as not being as serious a thing to possess as is commonly thought. Its a joke, a gag, a prank, always a gold ring made of cardboard. Where theres a kingdom for a salute, so too can there be a stage for a kingdom (Henry V, prologue line 3). Being King means playing. Works Cited Shakespeare, William. Henry IV part one. Ed. P. H. Davison, New York Penguin Books, 1996. Shakespeare, William. Henry IV part two. Ed. P. H. Davison, New York Penguin Books, 1997. Shakespeare, William. Henry V. Ed. A. R. Humphreys, New York Penguin Books, 1996.

Get Fit With the Grizzlies Essay -- Article Review, Childhood Obesity

The article I chose to analyze is titled Get Fit With the Grizzlies A Community-School-Home Initiative to conflict Childhood Obesity, which focused on social and physical health related determinants in their strategy to confront childhood obesity and promote change. The research through with(p) by C. Irwin, R. Irwin, Miller, Somes, and Richey (2010) in regards to the development of a community health promotion plan has similarities to various aspects of the nutrition groups video and components of their health promotional program structure. As previously noted, social and physical determinants to health aided in the process of development and helped determine societal needs, as depicted by this groups population of interest. The population that the nutrition group used, involved 9-10 year old boys, who were already in a pre-established group who shared prevalent interest i.e. cub watchs, were learning about nutrition in other areas of their life, parents actively participated and were present, presentation provided to them in a familiar environment i.e. cub scout meeting, and were motivated to participate in this program by earning a pin. Similarly, as found in Irwin, et al. (2010), participants in their program included relatively the same sequence group, specifically 9-11 year old children from Memphis City Schools in TN, where 11 elementary schools were randomly selected out of 110 to participate in this program and parents involvement at home was required at times. The dissemination of information in the video appeared to be very age appropriate and used similar supplemental tools much(prenominal) as the US Department of Agricultures MyPyramid and incorporated physical activities. Interestingly enough, both programs used basketball within their progr... ...r week, after school NutriActive program with kindergarten and first graders. This playing areas results indicated that a short, vigorous program such as NutriActives, can produce significant and sustainable improvements in motor skills and physical fitness levels of young children. The nutrition groups program, especially the interactive components would likely be a great fit for this population, the content may need to be changed slightly to make it more age appropriate but the overall message and delivery would useful. Its important to point out that the nutrition group, the Holcomb et al. study, and Matvienko et al. study all use of a client centered approach, and a common theme is apparent with respect to enabling individuals participating in these programs to foster feelings of competence, which endure to their overall sense of well-being and satisfaction in life.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Word Meaning in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying Essay -- Faulkner’s As I Lay

Word Meaning in Faulkners As I Lay DyingThroughout Faulkners novel, As I Lay Dying, a prominent difference between the characters Anse and Addie appears in his/her contrasting depiction of news program meaning. According to the mother, Addie, words ar bounteous and do not signify their designated meaning. In comparison, her husband, Anse, continually stresses and believes in his spoken promise or word to bury Addie in Jefferson. Incidentally, the juxtaposition between the ii characters theories of word meaning emphasizes an alternative comical view toward the burial of Addie. Her burial is sacred to the family due to the promise of the fathers word and yet based on Addies meaningless attempt at revenge toward her husband. Addies depiction of words is very negative. She continually affirms, words are no good that words dont ever fit even what they are trying to say at (171). Apparently, she doesnt hold any truth in words and sees them as spaces of void. She states, I knew that tha t word was like the others just a shape to fill a lack that when the right time came, you wouldn...

Word Meaning in Faulkner’s As I Lay Dying Essay -- Faulkner’s As I Lay

Word Meaning in Faulkners As I Lay DyingThroughout Faulkners novel, As I Lay Dying, a prominent difference between the characters Anse and Addie appears in his/her contrasting depiction of cry meaning. According to the mother, Addie, linguistic process are bad and do not signify their designated meaning. In comparison, her husband, Anse, continually stresses and believes in his spoken promise or word to exhaust Addie in Jefferson. Incidentally, the juxtaposition between the two characters theories of word meaning emphasizes an alternative comical view toward the burial of Addie. Her burial is sacred to the family overdue to the promise of the fathers word and yet based on Addies meaningless attempt at revenge toward her husband. Addies depiction of words is very negative. She continually affirms, words are no good that words dont ever fit even what they are trying to say at (171). Apparently, she doesnt hold any truth in words and sees them as spaces of void. She states, I knew t hat that word was like the others just a shape to fill a neglect that when the right time came, you wouldn...

Monday, May 27, 2019

Theater Arts

Sitting in Limbo is a play written by Dawn Penso and Judith Hepburn who atomic number 18 both Jamaican nationals living in London, the play was directed by Jo-Ann McCabe. Sitting in Limbo was held at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, Errol barrowful Centre for Creative Imagination in the Walcott Warner Theater. The lunar month reading featured a trio of Barbadian actors Amanda Cumerbatch as Yvonne Campbell, Philip Eno as the judge and radio announcer and last Loretta Hackett as Nita George, on Monday 25th February 2013.The theatrical piece starts out with a contrast between two women, one of a fairly wealthy primer and the other struggling to make ends meet this portrays a conflict between both women based on their differences which in the end both women overcame. The play nearly a prison warden, Nita George and prisoner Yvonne Campbell depicts a political disruption in Grenadas annals which led to the imprisonment of Grenadian Phllis Coard.Immured along with her husband for assassinating Grenadas elected Prime Minister, Nita presumes that Yvonne is a greedy woman with a thirst for predominance and that she is the main reason behind all the troubles in Grenada due to her thrust her husband into the overthrow of the Prime Minister. Nita openly affronts Yvonne, while Yvonne demands that she be respected beca single-valued function of her position in society and the success she has brought upon the country.Two years had passed and Nitas views about Yvonne hadnt changed alone as the years went by for a total of seven years and they both opened up to apiece other and adapted to each others personalities Nita saw Yvonne as a woman with humanity and compassion. Although the play is mainly about the two characters Nita and Yvonne, the radio announcer plays a very grievous role, he notifies the listening about the amount of years passed and the fate of Grenada, the radio announcer practically gives viewers an idea of what was going on during the play.The trio has done an exceptionally great job on the piece Sitting in Limbo. The use of accents added a great effect on the nationality of the characters or the origin where the casualty was being taken place. The use of costume was also great because one could identify which character was which , when Nita or Loretta wore the khaki shirt and the khaki pants it gave the listening a hint that she was some sort of guard or officer or in this case a prison warden.In Philips case the use of headphones gave the audience an idea that he was a Dj or a radio announcer. The use of the projection of bars gave the audience an idea that it was some physique of prison. The bars also reflected on how each woman felt inside, Nita trying to raise a family by herself in the economic struggles felt imprisoned because she precious to live a better life, she wanted to reach for her goals but she could not do so because of the current situation but eventually broke allay and decided to acce pt the offer her sister had given her.Yvonne although imprisoned literally felt imprisoned due to the fact that deep down inside she knew what she did was unconventional but her arrogance and pride got in the way ,she broke free by refusing to sign a contract which could have literally freed her by denying everything she had rattling done. However they were some minor imperfections which were indeed noticeable, such as the backing of the audience, Phillip walking offstage before the fade had actually begun and where Loretta and Amanda had somewhat forgotten a bit of their lines.There were also some technical difficulties where as the fade would begin too early or a little too late but they but did not affect the theatrical piece it self. The play was a unique piece especially because it was my first time viewing a moon read play and because they tied in a fictional crisis into a play which I found very creative. The play also impacted the audience and made it an enjoyable play for them.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

In the arms of sleep

It happened again last night. Just alike(p) before. It began slowly, with little things. Then it got worse. Much worse. I suppose this is your musical mode of voiceless me. If it is, its working. If its not when Im awake, its when Im asleep. Mad isnt it? Thats what most people think anyway. Sometimes I think Im going mad. Am I? No. I great dealt be. Its so real. I can feel it. It is more than a nightmare.Trapped. Trapped under the hideous black carpet that chokes the sky. Darkness complete. Shadows begin to move, writhing, with an eerie shrill sound of the imbibe of the air. Unmoving, I watch. Without breathing. Without thinking. The wind pounds against my face like a thundering waterfall. My breath illuminates the sky in a vivid cloud of white smoke. A coach of ivy cradles gravestones like newborn babies. An ominous feeling of dread seeps through my bones.I am in a churchyard. This is no ordinary churchyard. This is where it happened. He was stand up over there. I remember at present. Right next to that cross. I shouldnt have done it should I? But I had no choice. in that location was no way out at the time.I can feel him now. Watching me like a hawk. His hot breath creeping up my neck. Hark What was that? Did you hear it? There it is again. I turn my head slowly to locate the sound. Its coming from the church. The sound is distant and musical almost menacing. The organ It plays on like an instrument of torture. I hold my breath. It stops. One . . . two . . . three. There it is again. Calling me. Calling me so softly at first so softly it could be the blood bang to my ears. I can hear the words. Katherine . . . Katherine. Come and find me. You know you want to.Im walking. Walking. My feet have a mind of their bear. Uncontrollable. Eyes glued in front of me. I feel like a ventriloquists dummy. The church door lies in front of me, like the gateway to hell. My hand trembles violently as I vex the heavy iron handle forward. Then the door slams crapp er me with a metallic slice, like a falling guillotine. Silence. Nothing can be perceive except the soft pit-pat of rain. The stillness is worse than noise.I know hes in here. I can feel his eyes watching me. Stalking me. I can smell him. The smell of decay and dried blood wafts up my nose like rotten eggs. I feel sick. A thin hot condition of sweat runs experience my temple. I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here now But where is the door? It was behind me.That noise. There it is again. That faint tune. Sheer black terror is sweeping though me, every hair on my trunk erected. It is dark. So dark. Too dark. My entire body goes cold with terror. Something is watching me. Something is hunched over the organ. Something is there. No. It cant be. Can it?Just one yard away from me. On my feet, skin crawling and body serve with adrenaline. He plays on. Back turned, but I know he is aware of my presence. My neck prickles as I edge away. The music stops. I walk backwards. Away. outlet nowhere. My eyes afraid too open painfully wide, then narrow struggling to focus. My eyes close in the terrifying reality of it, lips mouthing frantic prayers, teething clenched. I dare not look upon his face. I can smell his breath making me feel nauseated. Heart banging like a drum. I cant stand much more of this. Ive got to get out of here. I must open my eyes. I must go.He breathes hard, and a raging movement disturbs his limbs. His yellow-bellied skin has sunk into his body, showing the crevices of his bones. His hair, of a lustrous black, reminds me of a beetle. These features only form a more revolting contrast of his eyes. They glow in their own light, like fire fox. They are cold, ravenous. So different. Every shred of decency, kindness, forgiveness and passion, is gone. Replaced by the unmistakable look of a predator.His jaw opens, saliva dripping down his chin. He breaks into a fiendish grin. He cackles loudly, echoing across the hollow room. Stop Make him stop. Make it go away. Make him disappear. I never couldve imagined . . .never imagine of such a foul creature. The devil of devils. Ive never looked him directly in the face before. His gaze is hypnotic, mesmerizing. He lifts his arm up, his long knifelike fingers pointing towards the ceiling clenches his fists, so tight a trail of blood slowly trickles down, like a falling raindrop. He thrusts his arm down in anger causing a sickening crack as it hits the organ. I shudder violently. He wants to punish me. Hes going to do it properly.Whimpering, I move away. I cant watch this wretch sound me to my merciless death. Id rather die with my dignity left alone. A scorched, rotting smell fills my lungs. I cant breathe. Gagged. I am going to die. No I entrust run. I will save myself. I cant. He is too strong. He throws back his demon head, and lets out a howl of laughter. I look away. try not to look upon his face. I can feel fear ripping opening my chest. Can he not see that I h ave suffered lavish? Can he not see I am sorry?I can feel a surge of dizziness rush through me as my eyes rush in and out of focus. I stand still, very straight, as if paralysed. He rests his cold, lifeless hands on my cheek. My heart contracts with sadness and pain. My knees buckle. I grab the organ to stop me from falling. This is not happening, Im thinking.Why? Why are you doing this? Have you no heart? No soul?You did . . . once. But now it is long gone. Buried forever. Now leaning over, to kiss me goodbye lips purple and cracked, flesh peeling off his face like the petals of a rose. His eyes glittering. A gust of wind whips my hair, stinging some feeling back into my cheeks some coherence back into my brain. He puts his hands round my neck. Gasping for breath. I feel like a stuffed animal. Like a balloon about to pop. He is angry. He is not going to let go. Please . . .God noI wake up. pet throbbing with pain. Sucking in every ounce of air. Relieved. The wind wails as it b angs against the cold glass window. A faint knocking on the door, a lovely rattle of the knob. My door creaks. I stare into oblivion as my life flashes before me. I can feel him. Watching me. Trapped.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

Emotional Ability or Emotional Intelligence Essay

Emotional ability or emotional intelligence is the ability to assess, identify and control the emotions of oneself. It is also the ability to recognize the impact of your feature emotions upon your behavior and be aware of the emotions of others around you (Rosete, & Ciracohhi, 2001). This is not always an easy task. It is a skill you have to work at constantly. Combine these sentences to make a direct comment. Since the brain tends to go into fight or flight mode quickly and easily, we have to figure out a strategy on how to judge before we react. Reacting is instinctual and a way to combat an instinctual reaction is to hone your awareness of your own emotional state (Rosete, & Ciracohhi, 2001). Knowing what events may trigger an emotional solvent will help you to be able to manage a reaction, manage your responses and move from being reactive to proactive. Several years ago I worked at a social service agency and had trouble with my supervisory program.She was a chronic and cons istent micromanager and always interrupted my tasks to assign another task that was menial and mundane. She would put on me a project to work on and then check in on me constantly to see how it was going and how far along I had come. It group me insane I became so unnerved and agitated at her behavior that she provoked me to shut down and I became completely defiant. One task she gave me was so completely unnecessary that I flatly refused. I was stressed and superiorly emotional. I told her that task was a time waster and Im not going to do that task or anything else until she treated me with respect and stop micro managing me. I was angry, shaking and crying. She immediately went to HR and told them I was defiant, angry and verbally abusive.I knew that wasnt the case I had just had enough. I agree to mediation with someone from the HR department whom I trusted to provide me with a fair mediation. If members of the team respect the lead negotiator, the process is manageable (lect ure 8). Before the mediation, I tried to pull myself together so that I wouldnt be so emotional during the meeting. I knew I wouldnt have as much credibility if I was visibly too emotional. I tried to charge some self-management for the meeting. I wanted to focus on strategies for control of my motion and my emotional impulses (Mason, 2010). This was to no avail. I was so infuriated by the behavior of my supervisor that I completely broke down in mediation.I tried to suppress anger but it came out in my tears. I was an emotional collapse and knew that my emotions were too far gone to try and control at this point. In spite of everything, the mediation went well and we worked on some strategies that would have allowed me more license while giving my supervisor the assurance that the task would be done. Unbeknownst to them, I packed up and walked out at lunchtime and never returned.I knew that I would never be able to forge ahead after that day with any amount of dignity or respect after such an emotional breakdown and didnt even want to try. We all have emotions that influence our response to the world around but when employees have a high competence of emotional intelligence they have the ability to manage emotions and not let them influence their responses to their environment (Mason, 2010). People dont follow those who flockt control their emotions and those kind of workers generally make for poor employees and poor leaders.ReferencesMason, K. (2010, December 5). Why is emotional intelligence important in the business body of work? .The Thriving Small Business, 2-4. Rosete, D., & Ciracohhi, J. (2001). Emotional intelligence and its relationship to workplace performance outcomes of leadership effectiveness .Leadership & Organization Development Journal ,26(5), 288-296.

Friday, May 24, 2019

The Scarlet Letter Symbolism

The Rosebush The rise bush is a discreet yet important symbol in the novel The Scarlet Letter. The rosebush is first mentioned in the chapter, The Prison Door. The narrator is setting the first major scene by describing the scenery. He is comparing the Puritan society to and ugly edifice and contrasting the rose bush to the inscrutable heart of Nature. Later, in The Governors Hall, Hester and Governor Bellingham are talking about taking Pearl away from her. Pearl starts throwing a tantrum until she ignore have a rose from a rosebush. These events show major symbolism in a delicate flower.As the narrator describes the rosebush, he offers a rose to the reader to symbolize some unused moral blossom that may be found along the track, or relieve the darkening close of a tale of human frailty and sorrow, (Hawthorne 42). This foreshadows the story will be forlorn. The rose is an offer to comfort the reader at the end of a disheartening novel. The rosebush in any case symbolizes life and beauty surrounded by a dreary world of sorrow. Outside of the prison door, the lively rosebush grows next to many weeds. This shows a truly fair flower can arise from a complete barren region.The rosebush is mentioned again later in the novel. At the governors house, Pearl, jawing the rosebushes, began to cry for a red rose, and would not be pacified, (Hawthorne 95). This carries over from the symbolism in chapter one. Although Pearl acts like a child of the devil, filled with darkness and mystery, she can be sweet and delicate by holding a single rose. The rosebush is an important symbol to understand the sorrow in The Scarlet Letter. After the symbolism is understood, readers can see the speck of amiability here and there. Throughout the novel the rose pacifies sorrowful and depressing emotions this story can bring.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Good and Evil in Scarlet Letter Essay

Inside each of us, there is the seed of twain levelheaded and evil. Its a constant struggle as to which one will win. And one cannot outlast without the other (Burdon). The novel _The Scarlet Letter_ perfectly illustrates this point using complex and intricate characters that mirror reality with both positive and negative aspects of their somebodyas. The story begins in mid-17th century New England with Hester Prynne being publicly humiliated for having a child out of wedlock. She is branded with a cerise garner A as an adulterer but refuses to disclose who the father is.Soon after, Hesters former husband shows up under the pseudonym of Roger Chillingworth and makes Hester call in not to tell anyone who he is as he tries to hunt down her lover. As the story progresses, the reader and Chillingworth discover the identity of Hesters beloved as the minister, Arthur Dimmesdale. As Chillingworth begins to psychologically torment Dimmesdale, He progressively becomes more ugly, evil, a nd twisted. In his novel, _The Scarlet Letter_, Hawthorne uses the symbolism of the scarlet letter to convey that at bottom each person exists the capacity for both good and evil.First, Hawthorne utilizes the scarlet letter to assert that from all evil, some kind-hearted of good is blossoms, whether it is drastic or subtle. Even the most inauspicious of situations, such as carrying the burden of the scarlet letter, yields an advantageous quality of some sort. For example, as the plot of the story begins, the women of the town are slandering Hester Prynne for her misdeeds and discuss ways to penalise her and brand her as anadulterer. While the unforgiving women attempt to scorn her, Hester enters the scene from the prison with her badge of shame. Hester Prynne had sewn her own scarlet letter to advertise her sin.It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore, and which was of a sheen in accordance with the taste of the age, but greatly beyond what was allowed by the sumptuary regulations of the colony (Hawthorne 9). Even in the strictly puritan colony of Boston, Hester chooses to avenge as an individual rather than reform. Hawthorne uses the apparent mark of shame to express Hesters distinction as an elegant, strong, and fertile woman that can derive the peach from even the worst situations.Later in the book, the governor questions Hester on why she should be able to keep dip. He calls Hester One who hath stumbled and fallen amid the pitfalls of this world (61) and questions her qualification to care for Pearls temporal and eternal welfare (61). I can teach my little Pearl what I generate learned from this answered Hester Prynne, set her finger on the red token (61). From the governors view, the scarlet letter is a clear symbol of sin. However, in her own reality, Hester has shifted the meaning of the letter to not only a valuable lesson that she can pass on, but also a badge that exhibits her individuality along with her immorality. The scarlet letter doubtless displays that there is merit in even the worst evil or disgrace.Secondly, Hawthorne employs the scarlet letter to convey that within all good, there is evil hidden, no government issue how pure the element may seem. Even the most exemplary appearing citizens may conceal dark and evil sins. For instance, as Pearl is playing by the sea, her mother watches her make an array of things out of seaweed. Along with the scarves and headdresses, Pearl creates a letter A on her own bosom. As Hester questions her as to what she thinks it means, Pearl begins to inquire Hester in response. What does the letter mean, mother? And why dost thou wear it? And why does the minister keep his hand over his heart? What shall I claim? thought Hester to herself. No If this be the price of the childs sympathy, I cannot pay it (Hawthorne 127). Despite the pleas o f her child, Hester still refuses to enlighten Pearl to what the scarlet letter on her bosom signifies.Hawthorneuses the scarlet letter as an analogy of secrets that are held. Many reprehensible acts are kept hidden to protect people who are as well as young, nave, or innocent to know the truth. Later in the book, Reverend Dimmesdale becomes mortally ill. As he walks up onto the scaffold, He hardly has any posture left. Dimmesdale must be supported by Hester and Pearl just to stand up. With his last bit of vigor, Dimmesdale announces that he is guilty of the same sin for which the people have punished Hester.With a convulsive motion, he tore the ministerial band from before his breast. It was revealed But it were irreverent to describe that revelation (198). With all of his strength and life, Dimmesdale died divine revelation his dark secret That he was a sinner instead of the morally perfect man he had feigned being. However, as a truly good man, Dimmesdale knew that before he pa ssed, he needed to prove that even the most respected among man concealed some sort of evil and that visible sinners should not be shunned. Hesters and Dimmesdales letters both epitomize the evil that hides within all good.Finally, Hawthorne uses the symbol of the scarlet letter to prove that no matter how good a person is, he or she can never eradicate evil within his or her self. Even the most holy and kind people have some sort of black tarnish that cannot be erased. Likewise, As Hester confronts Chillingworth about his persecution of Dimmesdale, Chillingworth begins to sympathize with Hester. In an attempt to comfort Hester, if only for a moment, Chillingworth informs her about the councils discussion concerning the removal of her scarlet letter. Instead of the gracious response he expected, Chillingworth was met with a much colder and wiser retort it lies not in the joy of the magistrates to take off the badge, calmly replied Hester. Were I worthy to be quit of it, it would fa ll away of its own nature, or be transformed into something that should speak a different purport (Hawthorne 115).Even when the opportunity arises, Hester knows that she does not have the ability to escape her dark deed. Despite Chillingworth making a motion that would inevitably improve her life, Hester is precise aware of the fact that no matter what she does, her mark would stay with her forever physically or at heart. Later in the story, Dimmesdale and Hester are planning to wager away to England together. As the renounce their old lives, Hester thrusts her scarlet letter across the river to start their newepoch together. However, as they call over Pearl to labor union them, she refuses to come near.Hester realizes that Pearl will not come near because of the fact that her mother is missing something that is part of who she is. But, in very truth, she is right as regards to this average token. I must bear its torture yet a little longer (156). although Pearl is not exactly s ure what the scarlet letter symbolizes, she knows that it is an primal part of Hester that she cannot evade. Hester quickly comprehends Pearls wisdom and admits that she must live with her sin. The scarlet letter clearly demonstrates that good can never fully cast aside evil.In conclusion, the scarlet letter in Hawthornes _The Scarlet Letter_ represents the unbreakable link between good and evil within everybody. Whether he is stating that from all evil, good blossoms within good, people hide evil or that good can never fully cast aside evil, Hawthorne strongly conveys the point that Evil and Good cannot exist within someone without their counterpart.

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Ratio Analysis to Determine Corporate Health Essay

One must consider many factors before deciding whether or non to invest in a troupe. The following is an analysis and comparison of the health of two well known companies, Exxon and Wal-Mart. Some of the factors that were analyzed include current ration, history overturn, accounts receivable turnover, and age sales in inventory. Most of the values used for the calculations were obtained from Yahoo Finance. Current ratio evaluates a companys ability to redress its briefly-term obligations (Wild, 2008). Exxons current ratio of 1. indicates that it should not have any issues paying its short-term obligations.In contrast, Wal-Marts current ratio of 0. 88, indicates that the companys current liabilities exceed current assets and thence investors should be doubtful of its ability to pay short-term obligations. Inventory turnover is another indicator of a companys ability to pay short-term debt. Specifically, it is the number of times a companys average inventory is sold during a per iod (Wild, 2008). Wal-Marts inventory turnover of 9. indicates that it may be holding more inventory than it needs, and thus it may be using its assets in efficiently. Exxons inventory turnover of 28. 31 is more preferable, as long as inventory adequately meets demand (Wild, 2008).These numbers show that Wal-Mart may be having difficulties paying its short-term debt and thus caution should be warranted. Accounts receivable turnover measure the quality and liquidity of accounts receivable. Thus it indicates how often receivable are received and collected during the period (Wild, 2008). Exxons accounts receivable turnover is 15. while Walmarts is 107. 3. Exxons low turnover suggests management should consider stricter credit terms and more aggressive collection efforts to evacuate its resources being tied up in accounts receivables. On the other hand, Wal-Marts high turnover implies the opposite management should consider using more slack credit terms.While accounts receivable turno ver measures the liquidity of accounts receivables, days sales in inventory is useful in evaluating liquidity of inventory (Wild, 2008). Exxons days sales in inventory is 13. 2 and Wal-Marts is 38. Exxons lower days sales in inventory value indicates that the company uses its resources more efficiently. result All things considered, Exxon seems to be a more solid company in which a first time stock-buyer should invest. While both are major companies, which appear to have solid numbers, Exxon seems to be the more stable and reliable company. Specifically Exxon seems to manage its assets better and seems more likely to be able to pay its short term debt. Nonetheless, one should invest in stock that he or she feels better represents his or her goals.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Throughout the novel of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin

Human nature was fundamentally irrational to the point of insanity. How is this exemplified in Captain Corellis mandolin, and what is the role of madness in general in the novel. through turn out the novel of Captain Corellis mandolin, there have been numerous occasions where the presence of ones insanity has taken over the characters central emotions and influences peculiar behaviour in the form of madness. To the disapproval of the audience and the other characters, the role of madness has become de Bernieres technique of foreshadowing the outcome of the characters who be deemed as possessed which leads to the inevitable sadness of death.Within the novel there are three main characters which suffer from the plague of madness Francesco, Mandras and Carlo, although it can be argued that there are many other characters within the novel who can be seen as just as mad. Madness within the novel is expressed through many unalike factors, these factors are what trigger characters to encounter the condition which in return sets that characters fate. The first encounter of madness within the novel comes in the form of a battered and bruised Francesco.Through the early phases of introducing Francesco, de Bernieres presents the character as a courageous young Italian soldier, Carlos dearest friend and doglike in serving for his country during the Second innovation War. The audience is quick to accept Francesco as a good person through the diary entries of Carlo however it becomes apparent that the destructive and brutal nature of contend combined with the harsh climate leads Francesco into losing a grip on reality.This is apparent in his letters to his mother which reads I came into this war in a nominate of innocence, and I leave it so utterly wearied that I am contented to die. this quote collapses Francescos discontent with serving in the Italian army and attach his first step into insanity. As the novel progresses, so does the deterioration of Francescos mind as it leads him into his death. I reached Francesco and saw that the side of his head had been blown away. The pieces of skull were grey and were surface in membrane and thick blood. Francescos death comes about due to his insanity as he progresses into enemy territory unarmed. Through the use of his death, de Bernieres is able to draw off a picture on his views on war, which suggests that ultimately war is wrong and leads to the death of innocent people.A Marxist interpretation can to a fault be added to this as it shows how the power of the ruling-class is able to dominate those inferior to them. For the bureaucrat, the world is a mere object to be manipulated by him. We can relate this quote to Francesco as his actions and behavior is premeditated and controlled by those superior to himself. Insanity it seems, is a focal point in de Bernieres writing as the novel contains many characters who fit underneath the profile. However, there are some characters which can certai nly be seen as withholding the trait, but in a less obvious manner.A likely character with such nature would be Carlo. Despite his common appearance with the audience, we can note of such incidents which would certainly be considered insane. A point which would reveal this would be his relationship with Francesco and Antonio. Carlos judgment of protecting a love one may at first seem like a valiant and loyal thing to do, but if we observe the people which Carlo is protecting then we may perhaps change our minds. Carlos relationship with Francesco starts off as seeming innocent and harmless, until we discover that Francesco is unsuspecting of Carlos true intentions behind caring for Francesco. I stood up and faced the Greeks. Offering myself to their guns. This act can be seen as heroic for saving a loved one, but it is repeated later in the novel but this time it is to save Captain Corelli. Carlo stood unbroken as one bullet after other burrowed like white-hot parasitic knives i nto the muscle of his chest. Carlos acts of saving another ones life can certainly be seen as an act of insanity and personally I believe that Carlos unwise decisions are what ultimately lead to his death.With the inclusion of Carlo within his novel, it can be said that de Bernieres is making a statement which would have been highly controversial during the time at which the novel was based on. Carlos homosexuality would have certainly caused him to be removed from the army as during the 1940s homosexuality was considered an act of insanity. This also fits in with the link between Carlo and insanity. As well as war, it is noticeable in de Bernieres novel that it is also the loss of a loved one which leads the percipient into torment and madness.A character which fits this situation is Mandras. Whilst being away from his fianci Pelagia serving in military duty, Mandras suffers heavy losses as he is the lone(prenominal) remain survivor of his entire unit. Left for dead Mandras had to face the tormenting climate in a bid to return home to his beloved Pelagia, to only return unrecognized and unloved. This leaves Mandras in a state which he feels betrayed and becomes shell shocked and mentally disturbed. Mandras behavior is presented to the audience as insane and like Francesco his fate becomes inevitable. KosmasNionios Krystal He cried, and waded out into sea. This is the point where de Bernieres demonstrates a change in character in Mandras, despite being an unlikeable person for committing atrocities this is the part in the novel where Mandras seems like the only sane person in the island of Cephalonia. In my opinion, Mandras decision to commit suicide reveals a side to him which the audience has not know of him before. It is a point in the novel at which Mandras is at long last at peace, together with his dolphins and the ocean, the few things which Mandras loved.In conclusion I believe that Insanity is explored through different means within the novel. De Bernieres clearly reveals how there can be several reasons behind the development of the mental condition, while Mandras and Carlo had both died due to the fear of losing a loved one. Francesco had ended his life due to the grief and unjust actions of the war. These deaths of young characters reveal how the destructive nature of war can end all swear and ambition within a nation.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Driving Distractions

Dupreme Cannie side of meat III Mrs. Bailey 22 March 2013 operate Distractions Have you ever been driving down the road and saying someone texting and driving? What about reading and driving? Or even applying make-up and driving? Driving distractions ar plentiful, but it is up to the driver to focus on the task at hand. Distractions ca exercise galore(postnominal) accidents for both new and experienced drivers. Taking your eyes off the road for even a fewer seconds, could have disastrous results (Teendriving. com).Whether an individual has been driving for m each years, or mere days, they are still at risk for distractions. Regardless of age or experience, if a person takes their eyes off the road, the results could be fatal. As previously mentioned, Laws restricting mobile phone phone use by drivers may be fashionable, but it is non the best way for the government to make roads safer. Eating, leaning over to change the radio station, public lecture and reading while drivin g are bigger culprits than cell phones when it comes to causing accidents, yet, no one is clamor for legislation outlawing these distractions.To solve the problem of cell phone users disobeying traffic laws, government officials must insist on personal responsibility, rather than ban cell phone use behind the wheel. Those insisting drivers have the mighty to talk on their phones should be applauded for recognizing that, while people are annoyed by drivers who are distrait by telephone conversations, prohibition of cell phones is needless (Wilson). Cell phone use is not the further issue. While texting and talking on the phone while driving are dangerous, eating, drinking, reading, and many other activities are still just as dangerous.Compare and Contrast Driving in the Winter and Driving in the SummerIf laws are going to be passed to stay cell phone use while driving, then they must prevent the other distracting activities. Even though some people think driving and cell phone u se is acceptable, people shouldnt be texting or talking on the phone while driving because distractions send packing kill a person without noticing it and turning off your cell phone wouldnt be a distraction. To keep people from being distracted while driving, the government needs to make the laws stricter. The Pennsylvania cell phone texting ban does not extend to situations where the vehicle is not moving, such as at a stop light or while you are stopped in traffic. It also allows for using a phone hands-free through integration with Bluetooth (such as using Siri on the iPhone to compose and send texts). Interestingly, since the ban overrides any local ordinances already in place, it will actually reduce cell phone restrictions in cities such as Philadelphia, where a local law bans all handheld cell phone use(Chittom).

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Know Your Right

Contract A get is an agreement entered into voluntarily by two parties or more with the intention of creating a legal obligation, which may have elements in writing, though contracts can be do orally. The parties may be natural persons or juristic persons. A contract is a legally follow throughable promise or undertaking that something will or will non occur. The word promise can be used as a legal synonym for contract, although criminal maintenance is required as a promise may non have the full standing of a contract, as when it is an agreement without consideration. Case Hariram a/l Jayaram & Ors v Sentul Raya Sdn BhdSection 56(3) Contracts Act 1950 Effect of acceptance of movement at time other than that agreed upon Summary Mr Hariram (Plaintiff) agreed to purchase condominium units from the developer (defendant) under the sales event and purchase agreement The defendant had failed to hand over vacant possession of the condominium units to the plaintiffs and to complete t he popular facilities within 36 months as stipulated by the agreements. For these reasons, and relying on the agreements, the plaintiffs contended that the defendant was liable to pay the plaintiffs a intact sum of RM1,592,074. 9 as liquidated insurance. In opposing the plaintiffs application, the defendant raised two legal issues for the mark of the court, namely (i) whether s 56(3) of the Contracts Act 1950 (the Contracts Act) would operate to exclude a claim for liquidated ascertained indemnity and (ii) whether the terms of the sale and purchase agreements can be said to operate to entitle the plaintiffs to liquidated ascertained damages in any event despite the provisions of s 56(3) of the Contracts Act as to the requirement of the applicable notices. 6 element of Contract . Offer. It is the definite expression (oral or written) or an overt action which begins the contract. It is simply what is offered to another for the return of that persons promise to act. 2. Acceptanc e. As a general proposition of law, the acceptance of the offer made by one party by the other party is what creates the contract. 3. Consideration. It may be money or may be another right, interest, or benefit, or it may be a detriment, loss or responsibility given up to someone else. Consideration is an absolutely necessary element of a contract. 4.Capacity of the Parties to Contract. In general, all people have a capacity to contract. A person who is trying to avoid a contract would have to plead his or her lack of capacity to contract against the party who is trying to enforce the contract. 5. Intent of the Parties to Contract. It is a basic requirement to the formation of any contract, that there has to be a mutual assent of the parties on all proposed terms and essential elements of the contract 6. Object of the Contract. A contract is not enforceable if its object is considered to be illegal or against public policy.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Rebecca Skloot’s story

Rebecca Skloots story, The eternal Life of Henrietta Lacks, is based on Henrietta and her family. In order to learn around the indescribable Henrietta Lacks, Skloot as a result, wrote this biography on her. Skloot wanted to further her study about the Lacks family in relation to their health, personal life, and pagan concerns associated to the story. Henrietta and her familys knowledge about her cells and how they were world used was the main issue. Human rights that people had/have about their bodies and how they are used in medical research becomes the stories moral question.Also in questioning is race. As utter in the book, Theres no way of knowing how Henriettas treatment would have differed if shed been white. According to Howard Jones, Henrietta got the same care any white patient would have the biopsy, the radium treatment, and radiation were wholly standard for the day (Skloot, 64). There is a slight possibility that if she had been white she may have acquired somewhat acknowledgement, at that moment or later, for the impact of her cells that were delivered for further study on cancer.Since this was in the 1950s, The era of Jim Crow, in that respect were different outlooks of ethnicity than what there are today (Skloot, 15). Christoph stated in the book, When you find oil on souls property, it doesnt automatically belong to them, but they do get a portion of the wage (Skloot, 267). Awareness that people should have on different parts of their body, and how their body parts are being used around the globe for further research is also argued in the book.

Friday, May 17, 2019

John Stuart Mill

Actions are practiced in proportion as they draw to promote happiness wrong as they tend to crap the reverse of happiness. Happiness is intended pleasure and the absence of pain. John Stuart lurk John Stuart Mill defines utilitarianism as a theory based on the principle that actions are right in proportions as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to produce the reverse of happiness (Spark nones Editors). There are a few important aspects of this definition.It presents utility, the existence of pleasure and the absence of pain, as both the basis of everything that people desire, as the foundation of morality. This however, does not state that it is moral for people to pursue what dos them personally well-chosen (Sparknotes Editors). The question at hand is what would John Stuart Mill advise the vivify to do? Fulfill the Joes request and assist him with his dying or respect the familys wishes by keeping Joe existent.From my viewpoint, I would say that Mill woul d tell the doctor to go forth with the familys wishes because of his statement is it not moral for people to pursue what makes them personally happy (Sparknotes Editors) and in this skid it would not be moral to do as the patient wishes because the end ensue would be that it would only make the patient happy. However, from a utilitarian view point, a medical student aid suicide can appear to be morally justify in all cases. But in this case, it would be only morally justified in the patients case because he is the only one who is on board with the idea of physician aided suicide.The only air this way this would be morally justified in all cases is if not only the patient was on board, but the entire family would have to be as well, by looking at such things like the physician assisted suicide as an elimination of the financial burden due to medical costs. Mills Utilitarianism states that in order to be moral, one must make decisions based upon the greatest happiness. In term s of physician assisted suicide I feel that death, no matter the form, usually brings many emotions such as both commanding (the end of the patients suffering then end of medical costs), and negative (feeling of loss and sadness of a love one).According to Mill, the utilitarian doctrine states that happiness is desirable, and the only thing desirable, as an end all other things world only desirable as means to that end. (Mill) so what he is saying is that we are to treat others and ourselves include as a means to an end, and that it would be immoral to use other people and ourselves as a mere means. If you think about it, happiness is only something that can be experienced when we are alive and in reality, there is nothing desired except happiness and our actions derive from the pursuit of happiness. So if our last-ditch moral end goal is happiness.My argument would be that the patient is not seeking happiness as an end but only a means because he is seeking it for himself to en d his suffering. The process of physician assisted euthanasia would be considered a mere means if it were both what the patient and his family both cute but in this case this is not what both parties want. They each want the end result to be different. Mill also argued that individuals are the best judges and guardians of their own interests. So in this case, he would be stating that Joe is capable of making his own decision(s) and his family should allow him to make his own decision in this case.The only way Mill would state otherwise is if Joe was not capable of making his own decision, an example would be if he was in an unconscious state or otherwise mentally impaired. At this point a case could be made in the fact that Joe is unhappy and he knows eventually that his illness will whiz him to much discomfort and possible pain. The only thing in Joes mind that will make him happy is to end his suffering and end the suffering of his family who would have to watch him battle this sickness. This would be a win-win situation in Joes mind.Another case could be made using the assertion that the right thing would be to use any means necessary to alleviate the pain and suffering Joe may face in the future. This renews and reaffirms Joes importance to himself and his family members. Mill has also stated all selfish interests must be terminate by death. I think that by this he is saying the only way to end Joes want for physician assisted suicide is by death. He is stating that this is a selfish want on Joes part he could also be stating that the family too is being selfish in not wanting to end Joes suffering.So neither partys selfish wants are going to be subsided until death. I feel that John Stuart Mills utilitarianism would support the idea of what the family feels and wants rather than supporting physician assisted euthanasia. Only because his main focus is happiness and one cannot experience happiness in death. Works Cited Mill J. S. , Utilitarianism. New York Longmans, Green 1907 SparkNotes Editors. SparkNote on Utilitarianism. SparkNotes LLC. n. d.. http//www. sparknotes. com/philosophy/utilitarianism/ (accessed October 17, 2012).

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Different types of stereotyping Essay

In My try out I will talk over stereotyping and different types of stereotyping. I will discuss how in todays society people argon stereotyped in different many ways. In todays society, there are stereotypes for almost any multitudes that individuals run short to. At some point in any souls life, they would have experienced stereotyping. For instance, it is a good deal said that all African Americans are good at basketball, males are more aggressive than females, Lawyers are deceitful, and the list goes on. Stereotypes are so wide spread and used so often that they seem to be a natural behaviour for human beings. (Kassin, Fein, & Markus, 2008) So, what is stereotyping? Why do we categorize individuals into groups? How do stereotypes form? be all stereotypes accurate summations of groups? These are some of the questions that are discussed in this essay. The purpose of this essay is to give a clear explanation of stereotyping. There is a discussion of a particular incident of ste reotyping, and this incident is employ to theories relating to stereotyping. Finally, comments are given on the effectiveness of the theories of stereotyping.Stereotyping is a form of pre judgement that is as prevalent in todays society as it was 2000 historic period ago. It is a social attitude that has stood the test of duration and received much attention by social psychologists and philosophers alike. Many approaches to, or theories of stereotyping have thus been raised. This essay evaluates the cognitive approach that categorisation is an essential cognitive process that inevitably leads to stereotyping. Hamilton (1979) calls this a depressing plight. The Psychology of Stereotyping David J. Schneider p37Browns (1995) definition of stereotyping by means of prejudice is the holding of derogatory social attitudes or cognitive beliefs, the expression of negative affect, or the display of hostile or discriminatory behaviour towards members of a group on account of their member ship to that group. This definition implies that stereotyping is primarily a group process, through the individuals psyches within that group. A further idea of stereotyping, defined by Allport (1954) as intellection ill of others without warrant, is that people make their mind up without any personalexperience. This pre judgement well-nigh a whole group is then transferred to the stigmatisation of any individuals in that group. It is these ideas that the essay aims to evaluate, through the cognitive process of categorisation and the above definitions that bring about three distinct features of stereotyping, that our cognition can be demonstrated through.The New Economic Sociology Developments in an Emerging Field (edited by Maruo F. Guillen, Randall Collins, Paula England p224,225)Media StereotypesMedia stereotypes are inevitable, especially in the advertising, entertainment and news industries, which need as wide an audience as possible to quickly transform information. Stereoty pes act like codes that give audiences a quick, common understanding of a person or group of peopleusually relating to their class, ethnicity or race, gender, sexual orientation, social role or occupation. Stereotypes are deeply embed in all society in numerous ways. The dictionary definition of a stereotype is angiotensin converting enzyme that is regarded as embodying or conforming to a set image or type. Stereotyping or Labeling is a technique that attempts to arouse prejudices in an audience by labeling the object of the propaganda campaign as something the target audience fears, hates, loathes, or finds undesirable. These stereotypes become so clich that they begin to form daily thoughts and views and one is unable to look beyond them.racial stereotypes specifically function mostly through propaganda of the media, collectable to the unlikelihood of every man travelling to every country, using the technique of misinformation through movies, shows, and news reports. Egyptian s have been stereotyped as desert residents for many years regardless of the reality and actual state of Egypt as a country. For instance, the stereotypes pointing that Egyptians are mostly uneducated due to their ignorance of the importance of education is proven false by studies of trustworthy sources. Among those studies, the one conducted by the American university in Cairo , Egypt . Al-Ahram weekly, a credible newspaper known all across the Arab world, has posted in its October let go of of 1998 the followingAccording to Sahar El-Tawila, the principal researcher on the team, interviews conducted with girls and boys nationwide show conclusively that work and sum were rarely stated by boys and girls respectively as reasons for leaving school. These may be options for those who have already left school, but they are not the impetus behind their decision to leave (Al-Ahram 1998).Remembering world(a) Egypt Literature, Culture, and Empire By Deborah Starr page 183Stereotypes can h ave excessive damage and it can have a very negative effect on the person in view or as a whole group. Stereotyping is not just another form of making fun of people, it also encourages rejection and outcast. Stereotyping is not and cruel and harmful to people, it can also have major effects on how a person behaves and acts towards other people. It also makes who ever is stereotyping look like a fool. It also forms barriers in communication and cursory life.ConclusionTo conclude, the cognitive approach alone does not give us an understanding of stereotyping. However, it does anchor the concomitant that through our natural thought processes we do categorise, which leads to stereotyping. It also highlights the importance of the individual and the group. There are, however, problems that have been unnoted by cognitive psychologists which we need to understand, in company to fully understand the changing dynamics and reputation of stereotyping in our society (Howitt, et al., 1989). There is also the need to look further than the causes of stereotyping and into its effects in order to understand the processes of our thought, of stereotyping.Bibliography(Al-Ahram 1998).The Psychology of Stereotyping David J. SchneiderThe New Economic Sociology Developments in an Emerging Field (edited byMaruo F. Guillen, Randall Collins, Paula England p224,225)Remembering worldwide Egypt Literature, Culture, and Empire By Deborah Starr

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Socially Responsible Companies in Europe Research Paper - 1

Socially amenable Companies in Europe - Research Paper ExampleThe paper tells that many companies in various continents spread over corporate social responsibility as a key fruit aspect of their company survival technique. It has evolved from beingness a value-added concept of management to on being among the key concepts. This is because consumers evaluate theirs produces depending on how friendly they argon to the environment and their conformance to most of the international laws that business ethics demand be met. Many European companies be among the leading socially responsible companies in the present society. This is true because Europe sustains ranked as one of the greatest markets in the world. For this reason, the companies that operate in this zone must be willing to tincture their consumers. The FTSE index provides the best tool in monitoring corporate socially responsible companies, in Europe, and the rest parts of the world. The reshuffle of leading global respo nsible investment index series provides information on the companies that have adhered to environmental and social laws in the internal business arena. Companies get to fluctuate from one point to another because social laws change daily, and an organization will not be able to conform to separately and every that is passed. In addition, not all corporate laws are universal. One of the most common companies that are socially responsible in Europe is Microsoft Europe. This is a company that was invented by Bill Gates and capital of Minnesota Allen way back in 1975 and has since with co-operation with other companies revolutionized the software computing industry. As a software company, Microsoft does not face common responsibility in terms of social and environmental laws like other doing companies. This is because it does not pollute the environment or utilize much of its resources. Despite this, social responsibility has been key to the company because it has since been expandin g into different countries that harbor different social values. Microsoft has also been aware of the security issue their customers get to face on the internet, hence introducing free protective softwares such as windows defender. They have also include a vast number of language packs for their software users, hence allowing their products to be used by just about everybody in the world.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

How technology (textting) has affected our language How it affects the Research Paper

How technology (textting) has affected our language How it affects the way we process information - Research Paper model28-29) describes how spoken language and written language have traditionally been seen as entirely different variations, separately with their own set of rules. He explains that speech is time-bound, dynamic and transient, and most often occurs in reckon to face situations where there is both the chance to use non-verbal means like facial expressions and gestures, and the opportunity for speakers to vary their output depending on reactions coming from the listener. Written language, on the other hand, is space-bound, static and permanent and it is more ball because the writer does not always the person or persons who will be reading it, and must cause more effort to clarify the context and anticipate what the reader might be thinking. This traditional raft of language sees spoken language as more suited to emotional expressions in a accessible context, and written language more suited to factual purposes such as recording information or learning about something.When we look at examples of spoken language it is clear that grammar rules are used slight rigorously, and there is more tolerance of errors, contractions, imperfect sentence structures, for example someone might say hark back itll work? and the answer might be No way The full written version of these sentences would be Do you think it will work? and No, there is no way that this could work or No, I can think of no way in which this would work The subject of the sentence is obvious in the spoken context, and the tone of voice conveys that there is a question and answer routine going on here, whereas in a written text these elements need to be made clear for the reader.An interesting cartoon by Barron (2000) looks at the way all language develops and changes as new technologies arrive, for example when manuscripts gave way to belief in fifteenth century England there was imm ediately a much greater volume of written material available, and also a need for standardization. (Barron, 2000, p.57)

Monday, May 13, 2019

Differentiating for Learning Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Differentiating for Learning process - Essay ExampleLearning profile is defined as ways in which schoolchilds learn crush as individuals. Every person has some ways that are effective for their learning, other factors that are opposite to these automatic every last(predicate)y slow learners down or make their learning slower and awkward. Experience, common sense and explore suggest to us that tutors, teachers or professors can tap into or suggest some routes that can erect effective and efficient learning to students. The aim or goal of learning or making ourselves witting of profile differentiation is to understand modes of learning that can work best for different students to make them yield quality results. The following lesson externalise is an example of a teaching program that will ensure that all students benefit from learning on the topic, Rain Forest. The plan is for students between Grades 3-5. It will take six weeks for the lesson to give the axe (Steed, 2000).All the powerpoint presentations will be evaluated with the use of created rubrics, oral report rubric and student evaluation form. Writing, on the other hand, will be evaluated using writing rubric. The videos will be evaluated with the use of cooperative base work for technical works, group contents. Awarding will be done using point charts (Steed, 2000).The to a higher place process represents a diversity of processes that make it possible for different students with different learning styles to concentrate. For instance, a student who is not well conversant with paperwork can successfully use powerpoint slides in computers. This process will similarly create student awareness on the best learning methods desirable for each due to the mixture of teaching and research methods. Students who fail to cope with the mentioned comprehensive processes are taken as those with special ask and get remedial from the tutors or fellow students who have understood the topic. However, the out come of such a plan will be more than 90% success as it covers virtually all the methods of learning suitable for different students.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Ethics Theories Table Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Ethics Theories Table - Essay ExampleAn employee entrusted with funds by his or her corporation is dutybound to account for these funds and remit the balance, if any. Even though this honesty may un quality him of certain material comforts, i.e., the extra money if unremitted could have bought him or her a new car, duty-based ethics prescribes that he or she should return the money.The classic goal-based guess is utilitarianism. Jeremy Bentham presented one of the earliest fully developed systems of utilitarianism. Two features of his theory are noteworty. First, Bentham proposed that we tally the consequences of each action we perform and thereby determine on a case by case basis whether an action is morally right or wrong. This aspect of Benthams theory is know as act-utilitiarianism. Second, Bentham also proposed that we tally the pleasure and pain which results from our actions. For Bentham, pleasure and pain are the only consequences that numerate in determining whether our c onduct is moral. This aspect of Benthams theory is known as hedonistic utilitarianism.An employee should strive to total a promotion at all costs as this will benefit him, even at the expense of co-employees and even if there would be a violation of a moral duty in the process. For example, the moral duty to give credit where credit is due after a successful project.The almost influe

Saturday, May 11, 2019

Writing Assignment #2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Writing Assignment 2 - Essay ExampleWhile carrying break through pricing seven major steps are followed. They are development of market approach, making marketing mix decisions, estimation of the demand curve, cost calculation, understanding environmental factors, pricing objectives being set and intention of pricing.Pricing strategy matters because if the be are wrong business ordain fail. Companies carry out different expenditure strategies depending on what the market will bear and make a reasonable profit. Examples price skimming this is sometimes used when a new product is being introduced particularly when it is a new technology. The objective of price skimming is to set a high price that helps to recover the costs of production and advertising (Suttle & Media). perspicacity pricing this is used to set low prices early to attract lots of clients. A play along will make an effort to produce high quality products and offer the best customer service inorder to harbor thei r customers. This method is used to increase market share or the percentage of total sales it holds in the market. Return on investment pricing strategy, the company might spend lots of time analyzing costs that will be used to make the product and projecting sales figures. Geographical pricing strategy, the company sets higher prices in certain markets (Suttle & Media).In conclusion oligopoly is a market structure that is majorly a slender number of moderately large firms that dominate an industry. Which affects promotion, it plays a major role in pricing. Pricing affects the customer in positively and at times

Friday, May 10, 2019

International Commodities Index Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Commodities Index - Article ExampleThe supply scope of most products in initiated in the production or manufacturing stage. During this stage engineers and managers make corrupt orders to obtain expose sensible materials needed to create the goods or services. In the power tool industry, two essential raw materials ar metals and plastics. Plastics are a raw material which is giveed a petroleum derivative. Crude oil and metals are categorized as commodities in the stock market. Their prices are very volatile and fluctuations in price occurred on a daily basis. Good indicators which analyst in the power tool industry must gestate close attention to are commodity price indexes. For example, the Rogers International Commodity Index (RICI) aims to be an rough-and-ready indicator of the price of raw material in the United States and around the world (Rogersrawmaterials, 2007). When the prices go cut on these materials it is good idea to realize bulk purchases. Anothe r strategy the can be utilised to lock the price of the commodity is to acquire proximo contracts. A future contract obligates a trader to sell an asset at an agreed upon price at some point in the future (Bodie & Kane & Marcus, 2002, p.982). Power pools are products which need energy in order to function. The energy industry is another divulge industry with has a great impact on the power tool industry. The designers of power tools must consider what type of platform will provide energy into the system. Two possible alternatives are battery and electricity power tools. Trends in the capacity and prices of batteries must be considered since the overall cost of the unit rises after the purchase of the batteries. If the power tools depends on electricity the executives of the companies could analyze trends in the electricity market by utilizing regression analyzes in which the monthly price of electricity over the last 10-20 years in particular country or city are inputted into th e equation to determine price trends.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

Criticizing an Argument by Analogy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Criticizing an Argument by Analogy - Essay illustrationion, articulating that they feel as if a friend has been lost, and demonstrate the signs of opiate-withdrawal, augmented anxiety, aggravation, and misery. Drugs make individuals behave this way too, and these ar the typical indicators of an addict in refutation.The recent experiments in the USA that illustrate that the typical American watches over 4 hours of TV each day, as well as 49% of those, persist to watch despite confessing to doing it exceptionally reflects the threat that TV has on human beings. Very many individuals do not visit that they are addicted to a drug called TV. This is because literally all they do revolves around them coming bum to watch it, after whatever task. Drugs have the capacity to get one hooked and he or she thinks about is getting to use them this is exactly what TV does to people.Addicts recognize they are doing damage to themselves, but go on to utilize the drug regardless. Human beings sh ould recognize that the TV works as an ultra-modern drug speech communication method, and it is just as damaging to the brain as each other drug, and they should just say

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Networking is the most important skill a new manager needs to develop Essay

Networking is the most important scientific discipline a new manager needs to develop if they are to be successful in their area - Es set up ExampleToday in fact every business faces fast changes and new opportunities constantly. That requires from managers to forestall trace on the recent developments in terms of products, customers, employees, and so on, and that makes one of the most critical managerial skill to be networking (Pfeffer, J. 2009). Every successful manager has a priori several traits, which help him to network. He or she can certainly do well such things as talk, listen and hear, remember names of people, keep on in mind the news related to the companys products, industry news, staff changes, etc. such a manager knows his or her colleagues good, has good relations with them, knows what is going on in the organization and outside. solely that gives additional advantages, for example, to apply for a position, which have just become vacant, or to get involved in a n interesting project, about which not many people know, etc. Such a manager set his or her connections, tries to keep and develop them. He or she never burns bridges, for example when leaves some positioning in a bad situation, he or she pull up stakes try his or her best to take over good relations with people, because there is a very big chance to meet them in behavior later, whitethorn be in other roles.Networking assumes the ability to speak good. In order to develop speaking skills a person needs to practice them. Toastmasters clubs exist to become a great speaker and to flummox new acquaintances. In order to find new acquaintances a person needs to have thickheaded knowledge in at least several general topics to be able to talk about, say football, music, and politics. In this case there is a very big probability that a person will be able to keep communication with somebody whom he or she sees the first time in life.Knowing other cultures and other languages increase s the networking opportunities greatly. In case you know a foreign language you may