Friday, November 8, 2019

WebsterAshburton Treaty essays

WebsterAshburton Treaty essays Daniel Webster was motivated to settle the boundary between Maine and New Brunswick. In 1783, a treaty had been made that awarded the U.S. all land in the area drained by rivers flowinginto the Atlantic instead of into the St. Lawrence. However, the diction of this treaty was not straightforward and the maps were conflicting. In 1842, Lord Ashburton was sent by the British as a minister, to try and establish all outstanding conflicts. Ashburtona adn Webster compromised a boundary. The treaty allowed Canada to build a military road from Halifax to Quebec while the United States got most of the disputed territory. Webster agreed to the treaty because he felt that any treaty made would avoid war. Appeasing Maine and Massachusets was a problem, but Webster solved it by getting an old map of the area and marked off a line that followed the British version of the boundary made by Franklin at the end of the Revolution. He showed the map to Maine and Mass., and convinced them to agree because otherwise Britain could demand the whole region. Websters generosity was admirable and made a lot of sense. It caused Lord Ashburton to make concessions in other areas along the Canadian-American border. Due to Americas increasing need to British capitol and Britains rising dependancy on foriegn foodstuffs, war, or even conflicts would have obstructed essential business affairs and produced no compensating gains. This treaty was a major aid in the avoidance of war. ...

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