Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Madison Debate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Madison Debate - Essay Example On the other hand, Mr. Randolph proposed the formation of a national government consisting of three branches that include supreme legislative, executive, and judiciary (Lillian Goldman Law Library 1). He also proposed two branches for the national legislature. In the New Jersey plan, Mr. Patterson proposed one house in the Congress while in the Virginia plan Mr. Randolph proposed two houses in the Congress (Lillian Goldman Law Library 1). In the New Jersey plan, the Union States in Congress elected the congressional members while in the Virginia plan the people of the several states elected the congressional members (Lillian Goldman Law Library 1). The two plans defined terms of service for the legislative branch where in the Virginia plan, the congressional members served for a term of three years while in the New Jersey plan the congressional members served for one term of unspecified years (Lillian Goldman Law Library 1). There are differences in congressional representation in the Virginia plan by Mr. Randolph and the New Jersey plan by Mr. Patterson. The New Jersey plan determines a states members based on the number of white & other free citizens & inhabitants of every age sex and condition (Lillian Goldman Law Library 1). On the other hand, the Virginia plan determines a states members based on the limits of the Union States from a voluntary junction of Government & territory or otherwise (Lillian Goldman Law Library 1). In both plans, the votes by states in Congress define the powers of the Congress and determine the management and operations of Union states. Moreover, congressional power differs in the two plans where powers of the Congress with relation to the New Jersey plan helps in passing acts for raising a revenue, making rules & regulations, and altering and amending the acts as they deem fit (Lillian Goldman Law Library

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