Wednesday, October 30, 2019

King James I of England Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

King James I of England - Research Paper Example Demonology has been defined as the study of demons or of demonic belief (Merriam-Webster). Demonology was a topic that had gained immense popularity by the 16th century. Therefore at the time when King James started his scholarly career in the study of demonology, a lot of literature regarding the topic already existed to provide assistance. As a subject, demonology was restricted to the elite while the poor merely stuck to their beliefs regarding the devil and its worshippers. King James’s interest in Demonology is said to have its roots in his visit to Denmark when he was going to see his future wife. On his visit, he met with the famous Danish demonologist Niels Hemmingsen, in 1589-1590. The idea of demonology was only remotely known in Scotland till it was taken interest in by King James; rather many of the scholars say that King James was the one who introduced the idea of Demonology in Scotland (Ryynà ¤nen, 1-39). King James was the only monarch in history to have studi ed and written a book on the subject of demonology. The title of the book was Daemonologie. Many scholars see the political inclinations of the book and argue that the third part of the book, with descriptions of the demons seems somewhat different than the first two parts and is thought to have been influenced by the political turmoil he had to face during the 1590s. On his visit to Denmark, King James was stuck in a terrible storm and that is what triggered his belief in the idea of witchcraft and demonology.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Impacts of Cruising Essay Example for Free

Impacts of Cruising Essay There are both positive and negative impacts to cruising on different countries. Some can have a great affect on the ship and the area where the ship docks, others can have a negative affect on the cruise area itself and the people who live in and around the ports of call. The first positive impact which I am going to talk about is there are more jobs created by having a port where a big cruise ship comes into. Jobs will be available: †¢ Servicing the port and ship †¢ Jobs in construction – up-dating port facilities, ship building and in the local area, for example building more shops and tourist attractions †¢ Increased jobs in and around the port The table to the left shows the amount of tourists that visits different cruise area’s around the world. As you can see from 1997 onwards cruising has increased in popularity greatly. This has created more jobs for people as more people are going on cruises. Some of the jobs which it has created are jobs working in the port, like checking people’s passports before they get on the ship, too putting people’s luggage on the cruise ships and also many more jobs in construction. It does not only create jobs in the port it will create jobs on the ship, as they will need people to help out on the ship, like they will need waiters, entertainers, cleaners. Another way you may get a job is as there are more people stopping at the port they will be going on different excursions and the cruise companies will need people who know the local area to help out by given guided tours and taking them too and from the port to the attraction. This is where jobs in transport come in. Cruise companies will want to work with coach companies to take people to and from the port to different attractions, as the cruise port becomes busier they will need more coaches, therefore bringing in more money for the coach company and creating more jobs for local people. As the port gets busier and more tourists come into the area, tourists will go into shops, bars, restaurants and pubs and will spend their money. This will bring the area in more income and will create more jobs for the local people because the places will become busier and they will need more staff to cope with the demand. However one problem with jobs is although there may be the demand for them, they will usually only be seasonal when the cruise liners dock into the port. So people will not have jobs for the whole year round so they will have to save their money, to live until they can get a job again. Another benefit with there being more jobs is the local people will have more disposable income and the town/place where the port is. This is called the multiplier affect by more people coming into the area, it will create more jobs, which will create more income, which will then get put back into the local area improving facilities for both tourists and the people who live there which will then attract more people to come back to the town as it is improving. Like I said above as more people come to the area it will bring in more income which will be put back into the local area to improve it for the people who live there. For example they may use it to improve the infrastructure and make it easier for tourists to get from A to B, this will then be good for the local people as they will have access to better transport. It may also create more courses like a travel and tourism course, and catering courses for local people so they can go and get a good job in the industry or working on the ship. So all around the improvements of the facilities will benefit everyone. As well as improving the local economy by creating more jobs and bringing in more income it will help for cultures to be more recognised and will create a greater awareness of different cultures. This is good because it allows for the people around the port to keep the cultures and for them to not become diluted, which can happen, the reason it can happen is because more and more people from different countries will come into the destination and will bring their culture and idea’s with them which may dilute traditional culture. But in another respect it will help the culture to stay the same as people will be buying traditional artefacts from their culture like pottery and food and much more which will help keep the culture strong. Unfortunately not all impacts are positive; there are several negative impacts as well. When the passengers on the cruise ship disembark and visit the local area, they may not go into the local area, they may be going straight off the cruise ship onto a coach and to a tourist attraction, although the tourist attraction and coach company will benefit from it, the local people in the town will not as the trade will not go to the town so they loose out on money. Another problem is tourists may be on an all inclusive cruise ship so may go around the town and spend a bit of money but are unlikely to buy any food or get anything to drink as it is all available to them on the ship where they can eat and drink as much as they want. This means the local economy will miss out. Most cruise ships either accept UDA or Euros which means that the locals lose money. Cruises tend to be seasonal, meaning that if there is bad weather they may not get off the ship at all, and in low season the local tow n will not make a lot of money, especially if they are reliant on tourism because they will not make a lot of money in low season, which could cause business to go bankrupt. This also ruins the local economy. Coral Reefs and Sea Life is being ruined by oil spillages coming from the cruise ships and the waste being dumped from them. Cruise ships are not allowed to dump any waste into the sea, however this does not happen, although there is a law against it cruise ships manage to avoid it, by not dumping waste within 3 miles of the shore then they dump all of their rubbish and waste there. When they do this they ruin sea life, they pollute the sea and kill wildlife. Ships also have an impact when they are docked, they are meant to declare all waste when they are in port and take it back with them. Many cruise ships are not doing this, as they are illegally dumping their waste, fuel and ballast into the sea. All of this leads to pollution and high costs for locals to clean up. As more people are going on cruises over crowding increases the traffic, and the car/taxi pollution is high. Over crowding in one area ruins the local attractions where people are walking all over the place. Water is also limited, of which the tourists use more than the locals. Too many visitors in one small economy can cause lots of noise and less of the local identity. The people in the local area may get offended by tourists walking around in inappropriate clothing. Tourists tend to take all of their personal belongings with them such as camera, phone, iPod, money and jewellery. This increases the amount of crime and theft because the locals are poor. They can thieve this and sell it on. There is also an increase of the sex trade and prostitution. Tourists also tend to buy gifts and souvenirs that they don’t really want such as catholic countries selling tacky Virgin Mary souvenirs to tourists to encourage their local religion. Impacts of Cruising in Alaska Cruise liners that cruise to Alaska cut the capacity by 17% in 2010 which cut it by about 140,000 passengers. The reason for this is because of the $46pp environmental tax that they have to pay, the reason why the have put this into place is to help cut down on pollution, and to help pay for the clean up for cruises. In 1984 before cruising became popular Juneau was a run down crumbling area which now is one of the main points of call. This gives cruise companies a lot of power as they can move to different docks or areas. 50% of the excursions are sold by the cruise company. These prices are negotiated with the locals. Visitors to Alaska spend over $1.5billion on their Alaska trip in 2007. Juneau Juneau is the 2nd largest port in Alaska, but like I mentioned before in 1984 was a run down crumbling area. This area has the usual port facilities such as baggage facilities, covered walk ways, and taxis. . They have cafes and museums near to the port. The impact from this is that it is brining a profit in to the local area which will help to improve it in the future. Juneau has 2 cruise ship terminals meaning that they can have more tourists there at one time which will help bring in more money to the area, to help improve the port, the facilities, the infrastructure and the attractions to attract more cruises in the future. It is a self sustain port, which has no public funding. It is a deep water port, which has direct access to the local town and facilitates. The port has high fees of $46pp, this means that lots of vessels aren’t going to Alaska, because they have to pay a lot of money to get their tourists into their, which puts them off. This will have an effect on Jun eau because they will be losing out on money because fewer cruises are coming into the area, which brings in less tourists, which means they lose out on money and will not have much to spend on improving the area. Environmental issues are a big issue in Alaska, especially because of cruising. Water resources that are in Juneau have to be shared with tourists as well as the locals, and the rate that tourists and ‘westernised’ people use water then it does not leave a lot left for the locals. Hot weather also causes a problem because tourists will drink a lot more water, and will use double to what the local people do. Bus drivers tend to leave the motor running for a long time so that the tourists have the air conditioned bus that they want, this has an impact on the area because all of the fumes from the buses will go into the air and will pollute it; so the air is not as fresh and clean as it should be. This can cause health problems to become worse like Asthma, which some locals may have, so it could worsen their condition. Deep water port constructions will mean that builders will have to disturb the economy and the marine life, meaning they will have to relocate all of the animals elsewhere, this can cause damage to habitats, and it may disturb other animals that come into the port regularly. All of the building will have an effect on the area because it will increase noise pollution and the area that should be peaceful will not be that peaceful. This also means loss of animal habitat and less scenery. This means the area will become a building sight until everything is finished. The increase of infrastructure may not benefit the locals as it may produce more traffic while building the roads, and will ruin the scenery and land, and some farmers may be moved from their land to another to make way for bigger roads. Princess Cruise Liners have reduced air pollution created by idling vessels in port. To do this they have modified their engines so they can be turned off while they are docked. This helps to reduce air pollution from the cruises, as the power is off and no fumes will be clogging up the air. While they are docked they are plugged into a nearby land-based hydro-electric power plant. The power from these power plants is transferred to the ships via specially designed cables. Juneau is the only port that does this, and it cost them $4.5million to do this. This is because the cruise line feels it’s worth the environmental investment and hopes to expand this because it will encourage more people to go their to help improve the local economy and also if it is successful here they may use it in other places. Lax State and Federal Laws allows cruise ships to dump untreated sewage from toilets once the ship is three miles from the shore. When they are three miles away from shore, they can dump sewage from toilets that as been treated by marine sanitation devices. Sewage from sinks and showers can be dumped without treatment. Although this may seem far away from the shore, if there is a fast current the waste can easily reach the shore, and ruin marine life and kill of animals which some people depend on for example fishermen. Local fishermen may suffer from all of this as some of the fish life will get killed off from all of the waste and chemicals being dumped into the sea. In June 2003 Oceanas Stop Cruise Pollution campaign set our to convince Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines to improve its waste treatments. In May 2004 they then agreed to this and have installed advanced wastewater treatment technology on all of their ships. ( A lot of wastewater from toilets showers, laundry and cleaning contains lots of detergent, grease and chemicals which are dangerous to the marine life, and can kill a lot of marine life. A lot of these chemicals come from the hairdressers, photographers and everyday cleaning and medical facilities that are on board. A lot of the water also contains food particles from the washing up. Many cruise ships now have systems on board to help clean up gray water and black water. Things such as paint, solvents, light bulbs, batteries and out of date or unused medicines are thrown over board. Make realistic recommendations about how to maximise positive and m inimise negative impacts of cruising I think one of the positive things about cruising in Alaska is the jobs which it can create for local people. I think cruise companies could draw on the fact that they can offer them jobs and could highlight the different jobs which they could do. I think what cruise companies could do to create better jobs, like they could get local people in on the cruise in the evening to show people about their different culture, as well as creating more jobs, it will give tourists a better understanding of their culture and it may lead to them respecting it a bit more. Another thing which they could do is they could offer people on board a ‘cooking class’ where they get local chef’s to come in and promote their restaurants by showing people how to cook their traditional food. This will attract tourists to eat in local restaurants where they offer the local cuisine. They could also give vouchers for the restaurants to encourage people to eat there. This will help maximise the income for local businesses. I think another thing which they could do to offer local people jobs is they can hire them as tour guides, to give information on the history in the local area and different cultures, they can take them to the best places to eat and the little traditional shops so smaller businesses can benefit from this. This will look great on cruise ships if they do this because it will help to maximise the positive effects which cruising has on the local people. Environmental issues are a very negative impact of cruising, I think to make minimise the effects which cruising has on the area’s it visit’s is to highlight on the things which they have been doing to minimise these effects. One of the things which has worked well is what Princess Cruise’s have been doing as well as what the local area has been doing. Like I mentioned before in Juneau there is a land-based hydro-electric power plant, which the ships can ‘plug’ into to give themselves power. This is a great thing to do because the ships will not need to keep their engines on, so they will reduce the amount of pollution which goes into air. This is a great idea and it is working really well. I think what they could do is other cruise liners could team up with Alaska and they could equally invest into putting this facility into all of their ports. This will create great press for them as they will be doing it in all of their ports and it will look good on the cruise companies because it will show they care and want to do something about the environment to help to make cruising more sustainable. In June 2003 Oceanas Stop Cruise Pollution campaign set our to convince Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines to improve its waste treatments. In May 2004 they then agreed to this and have installed advanced wastewater treatment technology on all of their ships. I think this was a great thing to do because again it looks good on the cruise company showing that they do care about what they are putting back into the sea. I think that all cruise operators should try investing in this facility or something similar to help reduce the waste which is going back into the sea.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

A Critique of the Ending of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray :: Picture Dorian Gray

A Critique of the Ending of Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray Truly, suspense is a positive attribute – up to a certain point. Oscar Wilde’s The Picture of Dorian Gray ends with too many loose ends. What did Alan Campbell do to Dorian that was â€Å"stern, harsh, offensive†(Wilde 125)? It appears that whatever Campbell did was quite serious: when Dorian threatens to send a letter to someone regarding Campbell’s past misconduct, Campbell agrees to get rid of Basil’s corpse, which is a serious crime in itself. Why does Oscar Wilde not resolve this mystery? This case in isolation is not of too much consequence, but Wilde does not reveal what Dorian’s crimes are either. Certainly, there are hints of Dorian’s decadence, rumours that he â€Å"had been seen brawling with foreign sailors in a low den in the distant parts of Whitechapel, and that he consorted with thieves and coiners and knew the mysteries of their trade† (103). Nevertheless, details on Dorian’s crimes are vague. Past f riends and acquaintances fall from their graces upon contact with Dorian; thus, to the townspeople, Dorian’s crime seems only to be the ability to spread misfortune and decadence like wildfire while maintaining his high social status. It is blatant from the beginning of the novel that homoerotic energies permeate the story. Basil has always been intrigued, obsessed, and fascinated by the beautiful, perfect Dorian Gray. Nonetheless, Basil dies in Chapter XIII of The Picture of Dorian Gray – that is, he dies near the middle of the story. This death is premature, because the romantic relationship between Basil and Dorian is not explored even though it is apparent that just before he dies, Basil still feels love and tenderness towards his protà ©gà © Dorian. Although Dorian does not seem to have any romantic interest in Basil, he does need Basil as a guardian angel until the end of the story. Dorian is akin to Faustus in Marlowe’s â€Å"Doctor Faustus,† for he naà ¯vely lusts after knowledge and sells his soul to Mephistopheles – Lord Henry in The Picture of Dorian Gray – to obtain this knowledge. In â€Å"Doctor Faustus,† the good angel is a recurring figure that stays with Faustus until near Faustus’ death, forever urging the Doctor to repent. Basil, however, is a shadowy figure and is not able to give Dorian good advice until the end of the story.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lullabies for Little Criminals

Child development is the genetic and internal changes that occur in children during early years. There are many internal and external factors that affect a child's growth and development. The connection between a child’s environment and a child’s development are explored in Heather O'Neill's lullabies for little criminals where a child named Baby becomes a product of her environment. This is explored through the early death of Baby’s mother, her being raised by a young father and her father's drug addiction. Baby’s bad decisions and choices come from a lack of guidance necessary for a child’s social growth and development.The absence of a mother in Baby’s life is without a doubt one of the most significant factor in how her life turns out. Not having a mother to guide her, encourage and mold her to become a healthy young adult is evident throughout the book as the important life lessons from a mother was never instilled. Although Baby is grat eful for her father, Jules’s attempts at parenting her, she recognizes that he is unable to take care of himself, therefore unable to give Baby the nurturing environment necessary for a child to flourish.This is evident when she laments â€Å"Jules tried to be a mother, but he’d always kind of fallen short on the mark† (O’Neill, 186). Furthermore, Baby does not understand the feeling of unconditional love that mothers often have towards their children which causes her to look for love in all the wrong places. Without a mother in her life, Baby does not have someone she can lean on for some of the most basic roles of a parental figure, and she grows up feeling ashamed of what she has becomes.Hence, Baby reflects on her outcome when she states â€Å"I thought that if my mother met me now, all grown up, she would be disappointed† (O’Neill, 97). Without guidance Baby succumbs to the life of drugs, alcohol and prostitution, a fate she feels was i nevitable given the lack of maternal love. Nevertheless, in her insightful moments Baby states that, â€Å"A lot of kids get the privilege of looking at themselves through their mother’s eyes. I could only see myself through my own eyes, and sometimes I could barely stand to look† (O’Neill, 186).Here Baby Speaks matter-of-factly, without any resentment towards her mother but more resolute that her life is shaped by her circumstances – without love, self esteem or respect for self. In A Theory of Human Motivation, A. H. Maslow writes; [We] have what we may call the desire for reputation or prestige (defining it as respect or esteem from other people), recognition, attention, importance or appreciation. These needs have been relatively stressed by Alfred Adler and his followers, and have been relatively neglected by Freud and the psychoanalysts.More and more today however there is appearing widespread appreciation of their central importance. (Maslow,1943,3 70-396) The instinctive needs and reassurance mothers provide their daughter’s with is what Baby searches for throughout the book. Therefore the lack of guidance and nurturing is arguably some of the root causes of her poor decision making, as she continues looking for love in the wrong places. When Baby was born, her parents were teenagers and therefore ill prepared for the responsibilities of taking care of a child.Her early childhood was characterized by neglect as a result her behavior inevitably changes for the worst. She learns early on that adults in her life are not reliable. For instance, when her father is released from the hospital, Baby was under the impression that her father will come for her immediately; however, she is disappointed when he fails to come for her. She expresses her disappointment by saying â€Å"I thought Jules was still in the hospital. I thought the day they’d release him, he’d hitchhike right over to the foster home and get me. † (O’Neill, 50)Jules is unable to understand that Baby has no one to depend on but him and he is presented as negligent of her needs through out the book. Jules is unable to put the needs of others above his own, and in return shows Baby that the only thing important in life is yourself. Baby want’s nothing but a stable and nurturing home environment but Jules is unable to provide the basic necessities for her. In Contemporary Liberalism and the Fate of American Children David L. Tubbs writes â€Å"Children depend on adults for many things, and this dependence encompasses more than material needs.Certain intangible goods—education, for example—are just as crucial to their well-being. †(Tubbs, 2007, 1) This idea is especially true in lullabies for little criminals where the emotional bond Baby yearns for, her younger father is unable to provide. This lack of caring for his daughter can also be seen when he is taken away by the police, leaving Baby stranded and confused, â€Å"As the cop car pulled away, I waved to Jules in the backseat. He had been too distracted to even notice me being hit by a car† (O’Neill, 57).As a child, Baby has learned to be self reliant and independent. Nonetheless Baby witnessing her father's run in with the law profoundly affects her attitude towards the law as she herself becomes a prostitute and an addict. Despite the fact that Jules does not seem to care about Baby’s well being, she rationalizes his inadequate parenting as simply lack of experience. Throughout the novel Baby chooses to make decisions that are not in her best interest simply because that's all that she knows. It is this lack of guidance that paves the way for Baby’s poor decision making.Baby’s inadequate and drug addicted father is unable to provide the appropriate environment for her to learn the skills needed for success in life. As Baby talks about her father’s drug addiction she m akes a remark that is telling. She says â€Å"For a kid I knew a lot of things about what it felt like to use heroine. †(O’Neill,10) Early on in life, Baby is aware of her father’s dependency on drugs and is given no choice but to take on the parental role within her family. Baby has never been told otherwise and will never understand the dangers of heroin use.At a young age she already feels the pain and pleasure that comes along with drugs. In turn, Baby naively begins to glorify heroin as she associates it with happy times in her life. This is demonstrated in the book when Baby talks about her father and his friends, â€Å"They made me laugh so much. I thought they were the coolest group of humans that ever lived. †(O’Neill, 72). Early on in the book Baby is introduced to drugs, thus she makes a connection between drugs and happiness. Unfortunately, she does not have responsible adults in her life to tell her the negative effects of drugs, and h ence she does not grasp the dangers of drug use.This is later proven when Baby decides that she is, â€Å"firm on the idea that [she] would become a drug addict too now. [she] didn’t care what drug [she] was going to be addicted to. †(O’Neill, 72) Baby idolizes her father and he willingly or not, leads her to believe happiness can be gained through drugs. In the book Jules is arrested for possession of heroin and Baby says that, â€Å"Since Jules had started using heroin again it was inevitable that he would be arrested† (O’Neill, 57). Baby has become accustomed to her father’s abuse of drugs and understands the large presence it has on her and her father's life.The certainty in her statement also foreshadows the events that occur in her own life if she followed in his footsteps. Baby understands no other alternative than going to prison for her father or for herself. Likewise, Jules is unable to understand that by letting Baby grow up in th is kind of environment, it is inevitable that she will adopt these actions and behaviors as the norm and mimic them in the future. By adopting the life skills and choices of her father, Jules has trapped Baby within a life of bad choices.Child development is the biological and emotional changes people go through during childhood and there are many factors that can affect a child’s growth and development. Heather O’Neill’s lullabies for little criminals explores the similarities between a child’s environment and development through Baby’s bad decisions and choices and how they originated from lack of guidance necessary for a child’s social growth and development. This is seen through Baby’s mother early death, her father raising her at an early age, and her father’s addiction to heroin.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Transforming India

Transforming INDIA By empowerment of the people of INDIA Through Relevant Education & Vocational Training By Krishan Khanna Supported By Printed in India by Sheetal Prints, 211, Pragati Industrial Estate, Dr. N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel East, Mumbai – 400 011. Published in India by Manifest Publications, 308, Olympus, Altamount Road, Mumbai – 400 026, INDIA. Copyright  ©Krishan Khanna 2012 First Published in India in 1993 ISBN 978-81-906621-0-9 Transforming INDIA was first published by i Watch in 1993 and subsequently it was revised and enlarged every year till the present edition.See details on page 8 of this book. This book is also printed in 12 other Indian languages such as Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Assamese, Oriya, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada and Telugu Printed in India by Sheetal Prints, 211, Pragati Industrial Estate, Dr. N. M. Joshi Marg, Lower Parel East, Mumbai – 400 011. Published in India by Manifest Publications, 308, Olympu s, Altamount Road, Mumbai – 400 026, INDIA. Copyright and Reproduction All content in this book, such as text, graphics, logos, images, data compilation are the property of i Watch, as well as other information providers.This book or any part thereof should not be reproduced, duplicated, published, circulated or exploited. No part of this book can be transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical or electronic, without the prior permission and written consent of i Watch. Transforming INDIA By empowerment of the people of INDIA Through Relevant Education & Vocational Training 1. This is a book and not a magazine. Especially formatted to look like a magazine for easy reading. Very few wish to read a 200 page book! 2.This book and this work are meant for the Youth of INDIA and the 460 million people who work in the MSME's and for those men and women who are working for the empowerment of the youth and especially women and the girl child. 3. To understand and appreciate the context of this book, page7 needs to be read first as this page is the essence of this effort. 4. History of evolution of this book, page 8 5. Immortal Inspiration, page 9 6. A Citizen's effort page 10 7. Aim of this book, page 10 The above pages 7, 8, 9 and 10 are suggested reading before you get into the main sections of the book General www. wakeupcall. org 1Contents Contents Foreword Sustaining Economic Growth History of evolution of this book Immortal Inspiration A Citizen’s effort & Aim of this book What can we do for you? i Watch Focus areas Citizen's response to i Watch About i Watch Principles, Mission, Goals 2 4 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 16 18 Section 1 Governance The INDIA you may not know Agenda for Transforming India Economic & business reforms Governance & Administration Country of INDIA Good governance can transform India into a superpower Good governance + Effective Administration = Zero Corruption World class requires hard work How to achieve world class efficiency?T hree Questions for the world Leaders 19 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 31 33 Section 2 Education & Human Resource Development Tale of three countries after 1947 The importance of education Learn to read and write any Indian language in 40 – 60 hours Vocational education & training, VET – the winner! Enterprise Skills Development, ESD & Vocational Education, VET ‘Education Matrix’ of INDIA Make India an international hub for higher & technical education Making INDIA a Knowledge Economy The population bomb that must be diffused Paradox INDIA Three Proposals for Empowering the youth Youth Counseling – Who am I? www. wakeupcall. org 34 35 36 37 39 41 43 44 47 49 51 52 General Section 3 Economy & Enterprise Difference between Poor & Rich The real & virtual India Poverty Line & related data How to plan for World Markets? A checklist MSME’s – Backbone of any economy India must become an International Hub for business GDP analysis of the Economy  œ Importance of SME’s China – India comparison chart†¦.. Catch me if you can? World, USA, BRIC, Selected Countries 56 57 58 59 61 63 65 66 67 Section 4 Employment Generation 68 69 70 72 73 75 76 79 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 90Importance of Education & Skills HRD – Employment & Unemployment ‘Employment Matrix’ of India Employment Generation Thru’ SME’s Categories of MSME’s, US-SBA classification Employment Generation Thru’ VET Classification of Vocational Education & Training, VET courses Implementation of VET for Employment Generation Definitions used in the area of Education & VET Vocational Training, VET & Economy in China Vocational Training, VET & Economy in Germany (EU) Vocational Training, VET & Economy in USA Vocational Training, VET & Economy in India India’s labour productivity Relevant Education and Training Agriculture: Advantage IndiaGeneral General Information References i Watch in national committees Abbreviations used in this book i Watch publications available in 13 languages Action Plan for GDP growth rate of 10% to 15% per year i Watch Projects Planned for 2012 – 2013 Sponsors About the Author General 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 100 Wake up Call for INDIA 3 Foreword This presentation has been structured for the benefit of the citizens of India, eg. , politicians, farmers, officials, professionals, teachers, students, scholars, doctors, businessmen, housewives, engineers, lawyers, consultants, NRI’s, PIO’s and the youth of India.This is a book and not a magazine! It has the easy and friendly style for comfort reading. Most of the articles are in one or two pages. Very few articles are in three pages. Wherever required the text is supplemented with simple graphics in order to cut down as far as possible unneccessary text, unless it is absolutely essential. The material within this book is divided into four sections. The bottom of each page classifies each type of article. The interconnection of these themes is highlighted whenever relevant.Section Section Section Section 1 2 3 4 covers covers covers covers articles articles articles articles on governance. on education and human resource development. in the selected areas of economy & enterprise. in the domain of employment generation. This book is meant for anyone who may have studied upto class 8th and beyond. As hardly 7% of all Indians really understand English, this book is also available in all major Indian languages such as Marathi, Gujarati, Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Bengali, Assamese and Punjabi.The matter furnished herein has been updated to take into account current available data, wherever possible. The reader is requested to consider the contents of these pages in the spirit in which they have been written, to mobilize thought and action for the people of India. it is not a sermon, rather a statement of facts, to facilitate further awareness and action within the country, with the sole purpose to benefit the People of India. Each note is a ‘stand alone’. Any one of them can be read, at any time.If you ask me a pointed question about the five most important areas where we need to concentrate for bringing the maximum benefit to the people of India, I would say education, education, education, governance and primary healthcare. The first ‘education’ stands for funtional literacy and pre-primary, primary, secondary education. The ‘Right to Education Bill’ was introduced in parliament only in 2005 and passed in 2009. Thank God that after 63 years of Independance we realize the need for education! The second ‘education’ stands for vocational education and training (VET) and skills building.The importance of VET has finally been recognized at the level of the Prime Minister who had directed a Task Force in November 2006 to draw out milestones for uplifting our young Indians into productive employment by empowernment and training. 4 www. wakeupcall. org General In the 11th plan period the National Skills Council and the National Skills Devlopment Corporation have been setup in 2009. The Government of India has planned additional 1500 ITI's/ITC's and 50,000 skill centers in the 11th plan. The work on modernizing the existing 5,500 ITI's is also in full swing.The third ‘education’ stands for complete decontrol and deregulation of all forms of medical, higher and technical education. This alone can generate innovation, excellence and make us World Class. We have had reservations in steel, cement, cars, scooters, etc. Only increased capacity and free markets have solved the issues of price, quality and availability. ‘Licence Raj' in all forms of education especially in higher, medical and technical education must go! Education as an enterprise is nearly five times bigger than I. T. and software. It is therefore a much bigger employment generat or than software and I.T. The reader will have to look elsewhere for data and solutions in the area of primary healthcare. Good Governance has been highlighted by giving a number of examples of bad governance and the negative effects therefrom. It is difficult in a democracy to have good governance untill the electorate has been empowered with relevant education. Hence the emphasis on relevant education. It has taken our country 59 years after independance and a lot of discussion and debate to recognize the true potential of micro and small medium enterprises (MSMEs). The bill on MSMEs was passed only in 2006.Probably 80% of our GDP is here! 99. 7% of organizations in this world, including India, are MSME’s. This is the true ‘dynamo’ and ‘heartbeat’ of any nation. Out of a workforce of 490 million people, only 6% is the ‘organized sector’ and the balance 460 million or 94% is the ‘unorganized sector'. It is estimated that the total number of MSME's are 100 million. 80% in agriculture and plantations and the balance 20% in service and manufacturing sectors. The importance of Vocational education & training or VET and MSME’s for employment generation has been highlighted and explained.As per the latest CII – BCG – Prof. C. K. Prahlad Project [email  protected], the Nation requires 500 million world class skilled people and 200 million world class graduate by 2022. The history of evolution of this book has been dramatic, please see page number 8 for details. The only constant has been change. It is for you the reader to decide wether it was for better or for worse! Krishan Khanna Mumbai, India August 2012 Disclaimer The information mentioned in this book has been collected from various sources in India and outside, during the last 20 years. Watch does not take any legal responsibility for the accuracy of the data provided. We do not recommend that investment and business decisions be taken , based on the data provided in this book. Most of the sources of information as well as references are detailed on page 92. For the latest data and information the reader is advised to see the current websites and handbooks as mentioned on page 92. General Wake up Call for INDIA 5 Dear Reader, Welcome to i Watch. Based on the feedback from readers, we suggest that the following pages may be read first :1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7, 8. 9.Page 12 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Focus of this book Page 14 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Citizens response to i Watch Page 21 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Agenda for Transforming INDIA Page 34 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Tale of 3 countries Page 47 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ The Population Bomb Page 56 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Difference between Poor & Rich Page 59 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ How to plan for World Markets? Page 61 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦MSME's – Backbone of any economy Page 66 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ China – India comparison 10. Page 75 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Employment generation through VET 11. Page 87 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ India's Labour Productivity 12. Page 90 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢ € ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ Agriculture: Advantage INDIA 13. Page 93 †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ i Watch in National Committees 6 www. wakeupcall. org General Sustaining Economic Growth Through Relevant Education & Vocational Training The above theme needs to be continued forever, as far as India is concerned.The following two example will strengthen the importance of human resource development, relevant education and skills acquired through vocational training for sustainable development of the economy. I was invited in October 2007 by the Ministry of Education, S. Korea, to chair a session on ‘Vocational Education & Training (VET) for Developing Countries'. This was part of the Global HR Forum which was attended by nearly 1,200 educational experts from 50 countries. The only other Indian attending this forum was Prof. Ananth, Director of IIT-Madras. The deputy prime minister of South K orea was inaugurating the Global Forum.About 50 years ago the people of S. Korea were as poor as Indians. South Korea Looked at Japan and Germany who had very little mineral wealth such as ores, coal or energy in the form of gas, oil other hydro-carbons, just like S. Korea (but unlike India) but were developing very fast, in spite of the complete destruction in the 2nd world war! South Korea realized that the main reason was relevant education and skills building through vocational training. South Korea created a position of a deputy prime minister, whose main responsibility, I believe, is human resource development, education and skills building.General Wake up Call for INDIA 7 Today, after 50 years, an average South Korean has an income of nearly US$ 23,823 per year compared to US$ 1,530 for an average Indian. Is there a message in this for us in India? Let us Look at the 2nd example which is current. Where should we as a Nation be by 2022? Or in the year of our 75th Independence or [email  protected]? The Confederation of India Industry or Cll along with the world renowned management guru, late Prof. C. K. Prahlad had planned for [email  protected] Out of the 74 national committees of the CII, the ones on Education, Skills & HR and the Youth are primarily working on this initiative.Prof. Prahlad was very clear that only by empowerment of the people; especially the youth of India, through education and skills building and vocational training will ensure us as a Nation to attain our major our goals by the year 2022. The plan is to have 500 Million skilled people in different skills and 200 million world class graduates from different fields by 2022. More information about education, economy, governance and employment generation in India available at www. wakeupcall. org or in our book titled ‘Transforming INDIA by empowerment of the people of India through relevent education & vocational training'.History of evolution of this book In 1993 we started with a 4 page booklet. In 1997 it grew to 8 pages, which were also translated into 10 Indian languages. In 1999 the book had expanded to 16 pages, in 2001 to 24 pages, in 2002 to 28 pages, in 2004 to 32 pages, in 2005 to 36 pages, in 2006 to 48 pages and in January 2007 to 56 pages. In July 2008 the book was further expanded to 88 pages and in January 2009 was further expanded to 92 pages and in October 2009 to 96 pages. In February 2011 it was expanded to 100 pages. The current August 2012 edition is finally expanded to 104 pages.This book ‘Trannsforming INDIA' is available in English and 12 Indian language, viz. , Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu. The focus has always been in the same four areas: Governance †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚ ¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. India 1st Education and Human Resource Development †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Education 1st Economy and Enterprise †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. Economy 1st Employment Generation †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..Employment 1st Economy 1st and Employment 1st, as mentioned 1 2 3 4 i Watch has four divisions, namely India 1st, Education 1st, total of fourty seven notes and observations. above. The first three subjects have ten, twelve and nine articles each while the fourth has sixteen, a To assist the reader, the bottem of each page mentions the classification of the text, in one of the above four categories. Where it does not fit any of the four above, we have classified the same under â₠¬ËœGeneral’ category. 8 www. wakeupcall. org General Immortal Inspiration Nobel Laureate – Rabindranath TagoreINDIA can become a Nation, which is best described in the words of Rabindranath Tagore Where the mind is without fear and the head is held high; Where knowledge is free; Where the world has not been broken up into fragments by narrow domestic walls; Where words come out from the depth of truth; Where tireless striving stretches its arms towards perfection; Where the clear stream of reason has not lost its way into the dreary desert sand of dead habit; Where the mind is led by thee into ever widening thought and action– Into that heaven of freedom, my Father, let my country awake.Gitanjali, verse XXXV. General Wake up Call for INDIA 9 A Citizen’s effort A citizen, an IIT engineer’s effort at starting and giving momentum for Transforming INDIA through relavant education, vocational training and human empowernment. All of us have a duty, many realize and many don’t. What is important is a clear understanding of what we need to focus on. The rest follows†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..A non-political, non-religious, non-sectoral effort where the only mission is to bring about awakening of the people and then alone can they decide and understand the latent potential of the People of India; what we missed out on and the importance of this work. There is much more to India than we typically may think. This work is only a seed; the growth will come through many hands, of which yours is also one. Aim of this bookThe biggest challange is to impart relevant education in the form of 100% functional literacy, vocational education and training a nd to expand multifold, the existing infrastructure of all forms of pre-primary, primary, secondary, higher, medical and technical education and make India an international hub for education, like it used to be. India needs to empower its youth with relevant education and training as soon as possible. The average age of an Indian is 26 years Priority number one is the education and empowerment of the girl child and women. 10 www. wakeupcall. org GeneralWhat can we do for you? 1. Publications Dear Reader we can assist and help you in the following areas:- Starting with this book. Please see details of other list of publications as detailed out on page 95. We request you to look at the inside cover page to note that this book of 104 pages is also available in 12 Indian languages such as Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada & Malayalam. English is only understood by 7% of the Indian population. 2. Interactive Workshops We conduct int eractive workshops in the following topics as detailed on page 91. Relevant Manufacturing Policy for India’, ‘Relevant Educational Policy for India’, ‘Globalization and how India can grow at +10% per year’, ‘Good Governance and how it benefits the citizen’, Employment Generation for 10 million people per year’, ‘How to make Money after leaving College’, Transforming India through Education’. 3. Mind-Set-Change of teachers, Parents & the Youth Kindly see the projects I and 2 as detailed on page 97 Not only are the Projects described but the positive impact of these Projects are also explained in detail. 4.Providing Relevant Data Kindly refer to our website at www. wakeupcall. org, all our publications as mentioned under item I, list of references as detailed out on page 92 and you will see that we have extracted a lot of relevant data for you the reader and formatted the same for easy reading and understanding. All our data is updated, as far as possible, once a year. 5. Setting up Vocational Education & Training Centres We work with a few large organizations within India who collectively train large number of people per year. We are their knowledge partners.By use of technology, by use of actual training centres, by use of integrating such training centres with business and industry in each local area, by providing trained Trainers & Mentors’ for actual training, by conducting assessments, exams and certification of trained persons, by providing counseling before training and placements after training, we add a lot of value for the youth in any geography or district of India. Currently we are concentrating on VET courses in the areas of Healthcare, Hospitality, Tourism, Education and setting up centres in all parts of India. Details on request.General Wake up Call for INDIA 11 i Watch Focus areas Education We work on this issue because†¦ 1. Drop-out rate between KG to Class 10 +2 is 87% to 93%, includes those who have never attended school. 2. ‘License Raj’ and regulation in Higher, Medical and Technical education, restricting growth, R&D, quality and capacity. 3. Cash out-flow of about Rs. 50,000 crores or US$10 to $12 billion per year for Indian students leaving India for foreign Universities, because of lack of seats and quality education within India. These funds enough to build 50 IIM’s & 30 IIT’s per year!It is estimated that about 153,000 students leave every year for foreign studies. 50% opt for a two year Masters course and the balance 50% for a four-year Undergraduate course. 4. Functional literacy expected to be about 33% against Government’s figure of about 67%, but China close to 93%. 5. Inadequate skills development. Hardly 0. 5% of the work force are being trained at any given, in the organized sector, versus the required 7% to 10%, as in China and other developed countries 6. India has 27,000 foreign stude nts while Australia has 400,000 foreign students 7.India has 1. 7 million schools vs 2. 5 million in China 8. India has 563 Universities vs 1100 in China 9. Pre-Primary not given impoftance. 90% of the human brain developed between the age of 1 to 6. 2. Why is FDI stock into India hardly US$ 121 billion vs US$ 1920 billion for China + Hong Kong? 3. Tourist traffic into India is only 6 million per year vs 80 million per year into China? 4. World trade is about 2. 2% against 8. 0% for China. 5. Agriculture productivity in India is 40% as compared to that of China. 6. Life expectancy is 67 years vs 74 years in China. 7.Electrical loss due to transmission and other losses from electricity boards vary from 25% to 50% in India vs 6% to 8% in China. 8. Foreign exchange reserves about US $ 295 billion for India vs US$ 2199 billion in China. 9. HIV/AIDS affect about 5 million people in India vs 0. 85 million in China. 10. 40% of all fruits and vegetables are damaged or destroyed due to poor farm management. 11. India receives a lot of rain but because of poor water management we get floods or drought. Economy We work on this issue because†¦ 1. Labour Laws do not allow level playing field for Indian organizations within present Global Economy. . Employment generation suffers because we look at Capital Intensive businesses rather than Labor Intensive ones. 3. India has only 2. 6% of world GDP. Buying power is low, but demand is high due to high population of 17%. Exports is the answer. Enough emphasis not given so far in 66 years. SEZ’s need to grow faster. 4. Infrastructure is very inadequate for 1,210 million people. Lot of talk but very little implementation. Governance We work on this issue because†¦ 1. Rs. 3,600 crores or US$ 0. 72 billion spent everyday by the 35 states and UT’s of India to run the country.Are the citizens happy? < 1 million = 10 lacs> 12 www. wakeupcall. org General 5. India needs to cash in the advantage of purchasing powe r parity, (PPP) for it’s World Trade. 6. I. T. and software is only 5% of the Indian economy and 3% of world economy. India must look at the balance 97% of the world economy and make it World Class. 7. Advantage of SME’s not fully understood. Present definition not as per Global Standards as in EU, USA, Japan, China, etc. This is a big disadvantage to Indian business as 99. 7% of all organizations in the world are MSME’s.SSI’s are only 5% of India’s GDP while MSME’s would be close to 70% to 80%. Ministry of Industry focus should change from Industry to Economy. 4. Vocational education is directly connected with employment and wealth generation, unlike normal education and knowledge improvement. The benefits of VET for the common man, benefits to organizations who use skilled and trained manpower and benefits to the nation to make it globally competitive will only come about when nearly 80% of the youth, after the age of 15 years opt for VET and not for the normal college education which is B. A, B. Sc or B. Com! 5.The Demographic dividend of supplying young skilled manpower to the world markets must be seized by future Indians by using VET. 6. The present work force of 490 million can be divided into 30 million in the organized sector and 460 million in the unorganized sector. The biggest challange facing us is to provide world class VET for the 460 million in the unorganized sector! 7. Most of the SME’s are in the unorganized sector. SME’s are the real ‘Dynamo’ of the economy. Dovetailing SME’s with Vocational Education & Training will create one of the biggest pool of young, talented and trained manpower in the world!This will propel India forward as an economic power. 8. In contries like Switzerland & Austria there are 5000 VET centers each only for a polulation of 8 million each! These contries are land locked and have no mineral wealth or energyi but because of high quality human resorseas have GDP nearly 33% and 23% of respectively of India! 9. The present â€Å"Apprentice Act† is not in line with the country's present needs. It requires to be completely overhauled so that nearly 10% of the workforce could be apprentices being trained and working at the same time. Employment Generation We work on this issue because†¦ . India has 43 million registered unemployed and probably another 260 million who are underemployed or unemployed in the age group of 18 to 50 years but not registered. 2. The average age of an Indian is 26 years, compared to a Chinese who is 34 years and a European, American or Japanese who may be 40 to 45 years in age. India is a very young country. We need to skill our people so that we can take advantage of so many ‘Young Indians’! 3. While China spends nearly 2. 5% of GDP on Vocational Education & Training (VET) in 500,000 VET centres covering nearly 3000 vocations. India ardly spends 0. 1% of its GDP in VET in 850 0 centres covering about 400 vocations. The actual expenses in VET are more but data is not available! ; 1 million = 10 lacs; General Wake up Call for INDIA 13 Citizens respond to i Watch Feedback and Response received from Indian organizations and individuals, during the last ten years has been documented, based on letters and communications received. A selection of some of these communications has been compiled into a dossier and available for inspection at our office in Mumbai. Some of the feedback is mentioned in the pages below.In short, we are quite happy about the mindset change and action plans initiated in different parts of India, based on the above strategy adopted by i Watch, action plans, assisting and networking with various stakeholders in the actual implementations of plans towards Educational Reforms and Transforming India. Sushma Berlia, President, Education Promotion Society for India †¢ They have set out to create a framework for achieving high and sustainab le growth for India. For this they are working to build consensus and influence policy changes.This is indeed a very unique strategy designed to have a far-reaching impact. Rajiv Kumar, Chief Economist, CII I hope to use some of the wisdom gleaned from your paper in the formulation of my policies of corporate governance. N. R. Narayana Murthy, Chairman & Chief Mentor, Infosys †¢ †¢ i Watch is doing a wonderful job in making the people understand and specify relevant policy changes required and the importance and need of Good Governance to benefit the people of India. Dr. B. P. Dhaka, Secretary General, PHDCC †¢ The Chamber appreciates the good work i Watch has been doing for the benefit of the citizens.P. N. Mogre, Secretary General, Indian Merchants Chamber †¢ The mission of i Watch has been the Mission of Krishan Khanna to innovate and transform where ever he was involved in work or life. Dr. P. S. Rana, Chairman & Managing Director, HUDCO †¢ As an educati onist and HRD consultant I strongly believe that the plan of i Watch for training 95% of the youth in 3000 areas of Vocational education is most innovative. If implemented, it would prove to be a major solution for the unemployment problem in India Prof. Rooshikumar Pandya, International Management Guru We interact with more than 500 NGO’s and we must say that we have found i Watch a unique and innovative NGO. Vinay Somani, Managing Trustee, Karmayog. com †¢ I have read with interest your book titled, Transforming India, and would like to convey my compliments to you for the very useful studies and suggestions contained in this. I have no doubt that the issues raised and the recommendations made are of immense value. B. N. Yugandhar, Member Planning Commission We believe in the ideas and suggestions of i Watch to bring the policies to optimum benefit for the people of India.Anupam Mittal, President & CEO, People group †¢ †¢ I have not heard of any NGO like i Wa tch which has such a holistic plan for Transforming India. Maj. Gen. D. N. Khurana, Director General, All India Management Association. Regarding Good Governance, I look forward to having detailed discussions with you to follow-up on some of the suggestions contained in your book, Transforming India. M. Damodaran, Chairman & Managing Director, IDBI †¢ †¢ I really appreciate i Watch’s endeavour in creating awareness, suggesting solutions and 14 www. wakeupcall. org I am aware of the good work being done by i Watch.I have noted your views regarding good governance, training and employment. M. Venkaiah Naidu, President, BJP †¢ General †¢ Please keep up the good work. Dr. Natarajan – Chairman, All India Council for Technical Education well as focusing on the areas where we need to give greater attention. M. V. Rajasekharan, Minister of State for Planning, Planning Commission †¢ I was very impressed with your whole program and your efforts to elevat e India. Babu Khalfan, NRI based in USA †¢ The vision with which i Watch has been set up is indeed a very timely effort for better governance.We would be glad to be associated with your foundation. Deepankar Sanwalke, Executive Director, KPMG †¢ We would deeply appreciate it if you could kindly spare the time to participate in the Conference on NRI—Civil Society Partnership and guide its deliberations. Dr. Abid Hussain, Chairman, Group for Economic & Social Studies At the outset, let me congratulate you on all your presentations and I feel happy and honoured that you have shown interest in our working together on vocational education and training. I can see the potential. Prof. Rupa Shah, Vice Chancellor, S. N. D. T. Women’s University †¢ I would like to thank you for your support. It has helped us grow into a strong and vibrant organization. Padmini Somani, Director, Salaam Bombay Foundation Your publication makes an interesting reading. I very much app reciate the simplicity and practicality of your approach. K. L. Chugh, Chairman Emeritus ITC Ltd. †¢ We welcome you as a founder member of the IC Centre for Governance. The executive committee members of the Centre are impressed by the choice of your core issues and the action plans outlined. Prabhat Kumar, Former Cabinet Secretary & President, IC Centre for Governance †¢ Watch is doing a wonderful job and the research work you are doing shall give us a lot of inputs for the movement. Sudesh K. Aggarwal, Secretary General, All Indians Foundation †¢ Reference your discussions with our Chief Secretary, we will be glad if you hold interactive sessions on Good Governance & Effective Administration for all senior and middle level officers, numbering about 450 of the government of NCT, at the Delhi Secretariat. Prakash Kumar, AR & IT Secretary, Govt. of NCT †¢ †¢ I must admit that this is really a very painstaking job and you have amassed a lot of valuable statist ics and data.I assure you that with my limited capability I shall try to project your data to all possible forums. P. N. Roy, Chairman, Indo-Asahi Glass Ltd. †¢ i Watch is invited as a part of the expert panel to comment and suggest on the â€Å"India and the World 2025† scenarios at the interactive workshop organized by the World Economic Forum and CII. Confederation of India Industry †¢ Your effort to shortlist the maladies looming ominously on our socio-cultural-economic spectrums deserve mention. R. S. Agarwal, Joint Chairman, Enami Group of Campanies †¢ Please accept my congratulations for the good work which you have done.I would like to take this opportunity to wish you all the best in your work and I am sure your publications will bring about awareness and as well play a very educative role in highlighting the issues and as General †¢ I critically studied your ‘Governance & Administration of India’ paper and came out very deeply impres sed and also agitated. It is powerful enough to make everybody sit up and think. It hits the right cord. You have precisely pointed out what ails India. Prakash Almeida, Director, Institute for Study of Economic Issues Wake up Call for INDIA 15 About i WatchI am sure this book will set all those who receive it thinking and from thinking at least some will go on to take some action to realize the vision you have sketched. N. Vittal, Central Vigilance Commission, CVC †¢ What is i Watch ? i Watch, is a citizens movement for Transforming INDIA. ‘i’ means India, Indians, you and me. ‘Watch,’ means that we are ‘watching' what is happening in the country and reporting to the citizens in order to create awareness for the sake of improvement. The ‘i’ is small since our gurus have always taught us that only with humility can we perceive the truth.We focus on Human resource development, governance, economy, enterprise and employment generation and the relevance of their interconnection. i Watch is a registered charity with the head office located in Mumbai, India. Donations to i Watch, qualify for 80G income tax benefits for indian organizations and citizens. The FCRA approval for foreign donations has been received in January 2009. Your perception is superb, ideas are original and some of the statistics are mind boggling. I wish your ideas get a much wider coverage through the all-India media. H. N. Dastur, Executive Director, Bhartiya Vidya Bhavan When awareness is there, the action will also take place and in this crusade I and many Indians are with you. Keep it up. Sushil Gupta, Past District Governor, Rotary District 3010 †¢ I assure you that I will continue to do whatever is within my power to pursue the one point agenda as in your letter. George Fernandes, Defense Minister, Government of India †¢ We feel privileged on account of your having favoured us with your valuable experience. Air Commodore Amrit La l, Executive Director, Indian Society for Training & Development †¢ How do we plan to transform INDIA? i Watch, functions in three stages. . Create awareness Publications such as Making INDIA a Knowledge Economy, The INDIA you may not Know and Action Plan for INDIA are used for the purpose of creating awareness. 2. Solutions and Action Plans This is achieved by our website, interactive workshops and our 104 page book, Transforming INDIA. 3. Actual Implementation For this purpose, we assist and network with government, public, private organizations and NGO’s. †¢ I appreciate your viewpoints expressed in the note and would invite more ideas and pragmatic exercises which can help to develop society in the right direction.Suresh Prabhu, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha 16 www. wakeupcall. org General What has i Watch achieved ? In 1992, when we started on the journey of Transforming INDIA, we had no clue as to the focus we should take. It took us nearly 4 years of resear ch and travel to come to some basic conclusions as to the areas of focus for transforming India. This we achieved by 1996. Real work started in 1997. The focus finally watered down to the following four key areas:1. HRD, Vocational education & Employment Generation 2. Governance & administration of India 3.Policy changes regarding, SSI, MSME and relevant labour laws 4. Economy, Enterprise, eg. emphasis on exports and other sectors of the economy such as retail, wholesale, manufacturing, travel and tourism, healthcare, infrastructure and agriculture. i Watch has had some success in all four areas as we have been able to change the mindset of a large cross section of the decision making population by the use of:1. Interactive workshops, seminars & articles 2. Publications, Making INDIA a Knowledge Economy, The INDIA you may not know and Action Plan for INDIA 3. 02 page book, Transforming INDIA 4. Website at www. wakeupcall. org 5. Participation in the National Committees of the MHRD, Planning Commission, Chambers of Commerce, CII, FICCI, Ministry of IT, etc. As member’s of CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM, PHDCC&I, IMC, MEDC, BCC&I and discussions with IBA, RBI, and MOF we were able to influence the meaning of SME’s and understanding the limited relevance of SSI’s. The only constant in life is change Recognized by the Europen Union, EU, for a joint project on employment generaction and vocational education and training in ten states of India.In the area of Governance we have been consulted by state governments such as the Delhi NCT to suggest and advice on Governance and Administration. In Educational Reforms, our thought process regarding vocational education and training, have been considered by the Ministry of HRD, Planning Commission & IGNOU. Thrust on Deregulation of Higher and Technical Education is gaining acceptance through initiatives with the CII, FICCI, ASSOCHAM, EPSI, PHDCC&I and others. In the areas of Economy & Enterprise, we are called fo r our feedback and inputs by think tanks such as the World Economic Forum, WEF.In the last 20 years we have distributed more than 600,000 copies of our book, Transforming INDIA, conducted a large number of interactive seminars and hosted all our ideas and thoughts on our website. Our publications are available in 13 languages, in English, Hindi, Gujarati, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Punjabi, Urdu and Malayalam. Only 7% of Indians understand English. General Wake up Call for INDIA 17 i Watch principles, mission, goals Guiding Principles 1. Positive attitude Believe that real change is possible. 2. Research Don’t hit the road without detailed home work. 3.Effective communication Use communication tools to reach out to all. 4. Belief in the power of the community Recognize that the central means of all actions is a collective assertion. From an inclusive community comes a collective strength. 5. Constructive engagement Engage in the spirit of partn ership. Build alternative modules or change the rules. 6. Non partisan culture No political affiliation 7. Pro-political approach Politicians are victims of the vicious cycle, not villains 8. Respect for political process Recognition that the politics is the central to democrac and the true politics is a noble endeavour 9.Political alternatives There is no alternative to democracy—the alternative to democracy is a better democracy 10. Professionalism Deliver on individual roles and responsibilities at the highest degree of commitment and capability at all times. namely good governance & effective administration, how it influences the economy and how to achieve it? The importance of relevant Human Resource Development. Removing the present ‘Licence Raj’ in education! The need for policy changes such as scrapping the existing limited definition of small scale industry, SSI’s, and expanding it into micro, small and medium enterprises or SME’s.The cryin g need of relevant labour and administrative reforms to bring India at par with other Asian Tigers and to provide a level playing field to our business leaders and managers. Why exports and tourism must be expanded by 1000% of the present levels! In a democracy people have to get involved. Change is possible and more creditable if communication is ‘bottom up’ rather than ‘top down’. Our presentation is therefore designed for the common man or the ‘citizen of India’. Goal To make India, a land, which is truly world class. With 1210 million people, India has a very large demand, but where is the buying power?We must export more to build up buying power! India’s future lies in becoming a resource base for the world, in manufacturing, trading and services, since 97. 4% of world trade and 97. 8% of world buying power is NOT within India. A bird’s eye view shows:†¢ India needs to emulate the successful examples of information techn ology, software and diamond exports, for all other sectors of the economy. †¢ With a high purchasing power parity (PPP of Rs. 16 = US$1), India has immense scope to export goods and services. Good governance and effective administration are necessary to achieve these goals for India! Politicians and officials in China ‘Talk Economics & Walk the Talk’, that is why non-resident Chinese and foreign investors have confidence in China! Fortunately, the preception about India is now in positive territory! General Historical Background The focus was always constant in the areas of Human resource development, governance and the economy. The importance of the interdependance of HRD-Governance-Leadership-Economy & Enterprise-Infrastructure on each other needs to be understood. Each depends upon the other in many ways.It is not possible to look at them seperately without causing harm and lowering the efficiency of the country. Mission To create awareness for the citizens of I ndia in areas which are vital for the future of the nation, 18 www. wakeupcall. org The INDIA you may not know of 50,000 or more private I. T. training centers spread across the country. 9. I. T. & Software are only 2. 0% to 2. 5% of the world’s GDP. India’s present share is about 5% of GDP. For rapid economic growth and employment generation we need to concentrate on the balance 95% of the economy and enterprise and make it world class! 10. 00 million unemployed of employable age* and only 44 million have actually registered with employment offices with little or no hope of getting employment (our estimates)*. 11. Of all new employment generated, 1% are government jobs, 2% are in the ‘organized sector’ and the balance 97% in the ‘unorganized sector’. 12. Out of our 490 million workforce, 94 % work in the ‘unorganized sector’ and about 6% in the ‘organized sector’. Nearly 55% to 60% are self employed. 13. 2. 5% of the entire population, viz. 19 million people work for the central and state government; another 11 million work in the ‘private organized sector’.A small part of the population work in the organized sector. 14. All Labour Laws are made to protect, at any cost, the above 2. 5% of the Indian population. Article 311 of the Indian constitution needs relevant revision since it over protects employees of the Government even at a cost to the nation. 15. While MP’s, MLA’s and Municipal Councilors and the village panchayats, can only be elected for a maximum of 5 years, the officials, babus, and government employees enjoy life long benefits of employment, in spite of their performance. 16.We have 600 million illiterate people based on the international definition of the 3R’s (reading, writing and arithmetic or education at least up to primary level of class 5) 17. The Indian definition of literacy is based on a survey of people— â€Å"If you can write your name, you are literate†; nobody has seriously ever challenged this definition! 18. 290 million live below the Government of India’s definition of the poverty line of Wake up Call for INDIA 19 1. 71% or 840 million people are below 35 years of age. Indians are young. 2. 28 million people are born every year, 10 million die per year, population increase 1. % per year 3. 88% to 92% drop out rate of children between kindergarten and 10+2. This includes those who have never been to school. 4. 10% are the ones that cross the 10+2 stage, Educational ‘Line of Control’, which is our so called educated youth, go in for a regular college degree which may not be very relevant in today’s context for the sake of employment generation and national GDP enhancement. 5. 62% of all graduates from the 37,000 colleges are Arts graduates. Balance 38% in science, commerce, medical, engineering, I. T. , law, management and special subjects. 6.While 80% of the world you th between 15 to 35 years of age learn a vocation, a skill or a trade, with a choice of 3000 vocational education and training (VET) programs, in 15,000 modules, we in India have only identified about 400 courses after 66 years of Independence and hardly 2% to 2. 5% of the population goes for formal VET training! 7. We can get engineers and MBA’s in India but no carpenters, plumbers, drivers, repairmen and other skilled personnel as per international standards in the other 2,500 vocational trades. 8. Information Technology, software or I. T. are the only exceptions.Perhaps because India 1st Rs. 26 (rural India) to Rs 32 (urban India) per day! this is based on being able to buy enough rice and wheat from the Public Distribution System, PDS system and ration shops, which has food value of 2200 kilo calories per day. 19. Nobody has ever challenged this definition of ‘Poverty Line’. How can one expect people to live with a few kilos of raw uncooked wheat or rice? As human beings, don’t we need more? How about one set of clothes to cover our bodies, a set of chappals for our feet, some vegetables, milk and fruit, in our diet? How will we cook without any energy and fuel? 0. 450 million* live below the poverty line definition of the World Bank's old definition of @ US$1 (Rs. 50) per day per person, or US$ 365 per year. 800 million* people live below the poverty line definition of the World Bank's new definition of @ US$ 2 (Rs. 100) per day per person, or US$730 per year. (our estimates)* 21. Average Per Capita of an Indian is about US$ 1530 per year per person (1. 21 billion people and a GDP of US$ 1853 billion). Average earning of an Indian is US$ 4. 10 per day. 22. India has only 2. 6% of the World GDP and has 17% of the world population.Demands are high but buying power is low. Hence we will need to increase our export related activities by 10 times, as the foreign markets are 60 times bigger than the Indian market. Our share of world m arkets or foreign trade is 2. 2%, down from 33% 1000 years ago, down from 27% when the British landed in India and down from 3% in 1947. 23. Only 7% of all Indians understand English, yet most of the websites of the government of India, state governments and public institutions are in the English language! 24. While English is a language used in countries which account for about 38% of the world GDP, viz. USA + UK + old British colonies, yet in India, while we talk of globalization, we are not serious about learning the other languages of the world, eg. , Japanese, German, Spanish etc, unlike the Chinese youth who are doing so otherwise. 25. India is probably at the bottom of the heap, as far as the human development index is concerned such as infant mortality, child care, malnutrition, women’s health, sicknesses, disease, health, clean drinking water, etc. 26. Democracy is to the people, for the people, by the people. If we have to succeed, the citizen has to get involved an d participate in governance. 7. Unlike other countries, we have 22 official languages, 2,600 dialects, all religions of the world, and due to low human and economic development, emphasis on SC, ST, dalits, caste, religion, sects, minorities, regions, ethnic groups, etc. 28. Employment generation is restricted due to existing policies which do not encourage â€Å"Labour Intensive† enterprises. Relevant labour reforms in line with prevailing practices in other countries of Asia are required for a level playing field for Indian organizations. 29. The size of Enterprises cannot be decided by officials in the central government.They are decided by technology, process, international market forces and competitive pressures. Reservation for small scale industry, SSI, needs to be scrapped and SME’s should be encouraged. SSI’s are 5% of the Indian GDP. 99. 7% of all organizations in the world are SME’s. 70% to 80% of the Indian GDP are SME’s. We need to unde rstand the meaning of ‘E’ in MSME (small and medium enterprises). 30. As per www. loksatta. org, about Rs. 3,200 crores are spent every day, to govern India at the centre and state levels, both on revenue as well as on capital account. Is this transparent? Is the money well spent?Citizens need to use The Right to Information, RTI bill, and also take part in the governance of India, through citizen groups. 31. About 800 members of parliament in the lok sabha and rajya sabha and 4,210 members of the state legislature assemblies control this expenditure of Rs. 3,200 crore per day. You may download a sample of the contents of this book, Transforming India, from our website in English, Marathi, Gujarati, Urdu, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Oriya, Bengali, Assamese and Punjabi. < 1 million = 10 lacs> 20 www. wakeupcall. org India 1st Agenda of Transforming INDIA nto an Economic Power & Developed Nation Priority 1 Relevant HRD, deregulate H&T education & Vocational training 1. 100% Primary Functional Literacy Learn to read and write any Indian language in 40 to 60 hours @ 1 hour per day for 5 days a week. Nearly 500 million people need to learn the 3 R’s which are reading, writing and arithmetic. As per the government of India, the average literacy rate is 64%, based on the indian definition, if you can write your name. If one uses the international definition, like minimum primary education as the criteria, the actual literacy rate would come down to 40%!We need to achieve 100% functional literacy in the next 10 years! 2. Primary & secondary education The dropout rate of 90% in schools, from kindergarten to class 12th, must be reduced to less than 10%. This includes children who have never attended school. 3. Enterprise Skills Development or ESD. We suggest that this should be started from class 5th right upto class 12th. ESD is ‘about enterprises and how the real world works’. Helps decide future choice of profession for the youth. Builds confidence in ourself. Only two hours per week are required. 4. Vocational Education & Training or VET.VET teaches the youth a skill or a competence or a trade. One learns to do some skilled job! In developed countries, 80% of the youth from age of 14 to 35 should go in for VET. This would mean about 50 million people per year. 5. Except for I. T. , which is 2. 5% of world’s GDP, where there may be 50,000 private training centres operating in India; where are the training centres to run the balance 97% of the skills, trades, competances required to run the nation? India 1st 6. Liberalize Education Decontrol and privatize all forms of education like business was in 1991!Make India an International Hub for Education 7. The I. T. business, ever since inception, has been outside the control and regulation of the central and state governments. Market forces, fierce competition, and constant innovation has allowed Indian I. T. education to be world class. 8. Priv ate and NRI participation in education Government should concentrate up to high school only, from class 1 to 10 only. The rest they should leave to the private sector 9. Entrepreneurship Institutes in each Block Entrepreneur promotional institutes, in all the blocks of the states. 7% of new employment is in the unorganized sector and SME’s. We need skill sets for the youth. 10. India will only prosper when the Goddess of Learning, ‘Saraswati’ is unshakled and unchained as was the Goddess of Wealth ‘Lakshmi’ in 1991. Priority 2 Good Governance Benefits of leadership and good governance are highlighted in ten different articles. If one looks at the contents page, one will notice that nearly 81% of our articles are ‘People Dependant’, ten on Governance and twelve on Human Resource Development and Sixteen on Employment Generation!One can understand Good Governance, only if we understand the effects of bad governance. Many such examples have been given in our articles for this very reason. Wake up Call for INDIA 21 Focus on HRD, governance, economy and employment generation Priority 3 Central government policy changes 1. Removal of SSI (small scale industry) reservation. Reservation does more harm than good. 2. Amend Labour and Employee Laws and give local enterprises and organizations a level playing field on par with other developing Nations of Asia and Latin America. 3.Encourage â€Å"labour intensive† technologies for employment generation. 4. Recognize the meaning and importance of ‘MSMEs’ (micro, small medium enterprise) and not ‘SSIs’ (small scale industry). We must understand the importance of the ‘M’ and the ‘E’ in SME’s as ‘MSMEs’ account for 80% of the Indian economy against 5% in SSI. While the MSME Bill was passed in 2006. Indian MSMEs still have to align themselves to global standards. Large organizations subcontract most of the ir non-core business to highly productive and cost- effective MSMEs. 1. Trading, wholesale & retail, are 15 times bigger than I.T. (big employment and GDP generator) 2. Manufacturing, as an enterprise, is 11 times bigger than I. T. (generates about 75% of government revenues) 3. Health Care, as an enterprise is 4 times bigger than I. T. (big employment and GDP generator) 4. Travel & Tourism, as an enterprise is 6 times bigger than I. T. (big employment and GDP generator) 5. Education, as an enterprise is 4 times bigger than I. T. (big employment and GDP generator) Priority 5 Funding infrastructure – US$ 1500 Billion ‘Special’ – Infra Bonds Infrastructure needs funding at 6% to 8% per year, rate of interest.The tenure of borrowing needs to be extended to at least 10-15-20 years, since it takes nearly 5 years for ‘building’ and another 5 years for ‘Gestation and break-even’. These bonds should be of low-interest but with incentives and tax breaks. Priority 6 Awareness program for the above 5 priority areas By the use of our 102 page book, Transforming INDIA through education, awareness with relevant solutions and action plans are our prime objective. Our book is a step in that direction. It has 47 articles and notes on Governance, Human Resource Development, Enterprise & Economy & Employment Generation.Our website at www. wakeupcall. org details out much more than this book. Besides English, the Hindi, Urdu, Gujarati, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Oriya, Assamese and Punjabi versions of some relevant portions are available. Only 7% of Indian understand English, therefore Indian languages are required. India 1st Priority 4 Export activities of the economy, other than software Software and I. T. is 2. 5% of the World’s GDP, we need to look at the balance 97. 5% of the economic sector in the world markets!The five areas of economic activity, mentioned below, are only some examples, t here are many others. 22 www. wakeupcall. org Economic and business reforms After 66 years of Independence, where are we? After 66 years of Independence, if we bench mark India against other countries of the world, especially with those in Asia, we note that though a lot has been achieved by us, a lot more needs to be done. We need to learn from our past and move boldly into the future. India has achieved many milestones, but not enough to eradicate poverty, illiteracy and other vital issues, for the 1,210 million people of India.In spite of India’s glorious past history and present outstanding world class quality of our human capital, which not only is responsible for running many organizations, in manufacturing, trading and services sectors, around the world but also responsible for advising many countries on this planet, we have not been able to put our own ‘house in order’ to world class standards. We are not able to always use the best effective human capita l for running the country, both for the public as well as the private sectors! This needs to be suitably amended.In the first instance, we need to start taking some simple and effective measures which are for the good of the majority of the people of India. We should plan to become a resource base for world markets since 98. 2% of the world’s buying power and 99. 0% of the world’s trade is not with India! Good Governance is the ‘Golden Key’ Good governance can unlock India’s latent potential! We have been analyzing India’s problems based on years of research, analysis and personal interviews with thousands of Indian citizens as well as NRIs and PIOs.India needs to improve it's governance and administration to world class standards, as soon as possible. We firmly believe that India would be rated as the No. 1 country in the world, as far as potential vs performance is concerned! Let us unleash this latent power and energy for the benefit of th e 1,210 million Indians, and for the benefit of mankind on our planet. India needs a new and innovative paradigm shift in thought process and planning for achieveing a 10% to 14% GDP growth rate per year 1. Why can’t we have 100 zones on our coastline, each one equivalent to a Dubai, Singapore or a Hong Kong?These 100 zones will in effect increase the GDP of India by 500% in 15 to 20 years! China has more than 500 Special Economic Zones (SEZ’s)! 2. Our suggested ‘Relevant Manufacturing Policy’ for India can also enhance the GDP to double digit growth. We can achieve high growth rates of the Asian Tigers, including China, provided we follow such policies! See our website www. wakeupcall. org and this book for details. 3. The existing educational policy, on human development, caters mostly for higher education. About 25 million people of different age groups, enter the system every year.About 3 million make it in higher education, the balance 22 million â₠¬Ëœdrop off’ at various stages. We need to change the policy to benefit these 22 million. 4. Make ‘some part or parts’ of coastal India as ‘tax free zones’, Use the best examples of Mauritus, Isle of Man, Sychelles, UAE, Bermuda, Luxumberg, Monaco and Lichtchenstien. Tourism, exports, FDI, investment, employment generation, education, vocational training, infrastructure, law & order, reduction of corruption, improvement of health services and GDP can improve at a faster rate with education good governance and effective administration.Wake up Call for INDIA 23 India should learn from the best! We should either try to teach the world, if we are better than them, or be humble enough to learn from the best around us, other options are irrelevant! W. Edwards Deming, one of the world’s greatest management and quality gurus, when asked, what his one point recipe for nations and organizations was, said, â€Å"People are important†. Experience o f other countries! Alan Greenspan, the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of USA, once remarked that â€Å"lack of labour rigidity is the key to success in the US†.The US has benefited much more than Europe and Japan because American businesses enjoy the freedom to hire and fire and only keep the best human resources. S. E. Asia and China have greatly benefited due to flexible and fair (for the masses), human resource policies. India 1st Governance & administration Primary duty of politicians and officials 1. Rate of growth Due to reforms in the last decade we consider 8% to 10% as the ‘New rate of growth’ of the economy. India needs to grow at 10% to 14% per year, to meet the well being and aspirations of its people. This goal is achievable with Education, Good Governance and Effective Administration. . Democracy – what does it mean? 2. Cost of Governance in India As per www. loksatta. org, an NGO based in Hyderabad, the expenditure on ‘Governance of India’, by the 790 politicians at the Centre, the 4,120 in the 35 States and Union Territories and the 19 million employees of the Central and State Governments use about Rs. 3,200 crore per day or Rs. 1,168,000 crore per year, both on capital and revenue accounts. About 1. 87% of Indians govern 1,210 million people! This comes to about US$ 234 billion or nearly 14% of India’s Gross domestic product or GDP! Are Indian citizens getting their money’s worth?Only you the Indian citizen can give the actual and final answer. You be the judge of your own country and decide. Our study clearly indicates that the people of India desire and deserve much better Governance and Administration. Democracy is of the people, for the people and by the people. Citizens must play an active role. As President John F. Kennedy said, â€Å"ask not what the country has done for you, but what you have done for the country†. In a world of globalization and keen competition, Indi ans will have to

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Economic View Of Slavery Essays - Debt Bondage, Apprenticeship

Economic View Of Slavery Essays - Debt Bondage, Apprenticeship Economic View of Slavery Slavery was caused by economic factors of the english settlers in the late 17th century. Colonists continually tried to allure laborers to the colony. The headright system was to give the indentured servant, a method of becoming independent after a number of years of service. Slavery was caused by economic reasons. Colonists chiefly relied on Indentured Servitude, inorder to facilitate their need for labor. The decreasing population combined with a need for a labor force, led colonists to believe that African slaves were the most efficient way to acquire a labor force that would satisfy their needs. Before the 1680's, Indentured Servitude was the primary source of labor in the newly developed colonies. After the 1680's, the population of the Indentured Servants decreased, exponentially. Their were a number of different reasons why the population of Indentured Servents had decreased. The indentured servents were running away from their temporary masters, to find a job where he could become more independent. Indentured servents were also dying of many diseases, which was caused by harsh conditions. The immigration of servents thus declined, becuase of the people in England being informed of the harsh treatment in the colonies. The society was where the land was easy to find, while the labor was most scarce. Indentured servitude, was a form of labor which was declining, and the need for labor increased rapidly. In the 1600's, when tobacco was founded by John Rolfe, tobacco became the main source of income for most of the colonists. The economic prosperity of the colonies was primarily dependent on the amount of tobacco produced. The growing of tobacco, needed a large amount of land, with a large stable work force. The increased demand for a large, stable work force combined with the availability of African slaves, led to the use of slavery in the colonies. During the late 17th century, the indentured servants were running away from their masters farms, if a slave had run away from their master's farms, then the slave would be easier to discern because of the color of his skin. To the planter, slavery was the ideal form of labor that would be most beneficial to productivity of his crop. Planters had an abundance of land and a shortage of labor. This relationship, made the amount of tobacco directly proportional to the number of slaves that the planter owned. Slavery was the backbone of the prosperity of the colonies. A major factor in the consideration of slaves on plantation, is the flux of the land. Tobacco was the major crop of the 17th century, and tobacco is a plant that exhausts nutrients from the soil, which led to the rotation of crops, inorder to replenish the crops. The planter needed to educate his workers on certain agricultural techniques inorder to know how to make the land most productive. With a permanent work force, such as slaves, the slaves would only require to be educated once, instead of the planters having to re-educate indentured servants every X number of years. The African slaves also had other characteristics that enticed colonists to use them as a labor force. The African slaves were immune to malaria, which resisted them from disease. The africans also were subsistence farmers in africa, thus, they had a tradition of farming, and essential agricultural skills. Slavery was a course in history, where it was opportune for the colonists to use slavery as a labor force. The decline in population of indentured servants exacerbated the situation, as time progressed, slavery became more and more imminent. Morality was not taken into consideration, because of the settlers were only viewing slavery from a economic view, rather than a humanitarian point of view. The introduction of slavery into the colonies can be summarize with a cliche of the settlers being "at the right place at the right time".

Monday, October 21, 2019

Temple University Business Plan Essay Example

Temple University Business Plan Essay Example Temple University Business Plan Essay Temple University Business Plan Essay The Temple Consultants designed the Virtual Insurance Procurement Portal (IPP or PIP Portal) to align the brokerage model with evolving technology to address these pressing issues. The PIP Portal is an online resource planning tool that automates the overage procurement process, facilitates communications, increases transparency, and serves as a consolidated information source. The IPP will feature two separate, customizable interfaces for the broker and the client to suit each users needs. Figure 1: PEST Stable Social North American Insurance Industry 2012-present Political Demand increased transparency Non face-to-face communications Economic Industry consolidation Disintermediation through technology Technological Technological ubiquity and mobility Market Analysis In order to adapt to the political, economic, sociological, and technological rends affecting the insurance brokerage industry, brokers must redefine their current business model. The future brokerage model allows brokers to fully demonstrate the true value of their supplier, problem solver, innovator, and partner functions to clients. If clients only recognize the value of the brokers supplier function, industry competition will increasingly be based on price. Strategic changes must correspond to current insurance brokerage industry trends, which can be identified with a PEST framework (Figure 1). Political There are no new political trends affecting the insurance brokerage industry today. Despite the stable political environment, brokers must vigilantly ensure that all business practices uphold all federal and statutory regulations. The PIP Portal code will incorporate safety nets to ensure users do not violate any regulatory requirements. Industry consolidation and disintermediation through technology are the main economic trends affecting the insurance brokerage field today. Large brokerages expand and secure market share primarily by merging and acquiring smaller competitors. Increased consolidation is concentrating and intensifying industry rivalry. Disintermediation through technology is encouraging clients with simpler risk management needs to seek inferior broker substitutes. Most clients with simple risk management needs already find it hard justifying investments towards broker services and building relationships with brokers. These economic trends are challenging the brokers role in the insurance procurement transaction. Social Entities spend less time socializing face-to-face and prefer to socialize through technology-enabled media. Customers and employees are becoming more accustomed to communicating through technology than through face-to-face tenting or over the phone. Brokers that do not embrace technology to facilitate the broker-client relationship risk being pushed out. Technology is continually affecting the way com pansies conduct operations. Businesses have already adapted significantly to align strategy with new technologies. As technology continues to evolve, companies need to further align strategy with the evolution of technology in order to remain competitive. 3 Our proposed brokerage model was developed to help brokers overcome the various competitive forces affecting the industry and challenging the brokers role as risk advisor. These forces are driven by the trends identified in the PEST evaluation and analyzed under a Porters Five Forces framework (Figure 2). Figure 2: Porters Five Forces Insurance Brokerage Industry Force industry Rivalry Intensity Very Strong Threat of Weak New Entrants Buyer Power Moderate to Strong Supplier Power Us busiest Explanation C] Leading industry competitors (201 3): Marsh, Non, Willis, and Arthur J. Gallagher C] Disintermediation through technology CLC Clients cannot perceive true value C] Threat of strong price competition 0 Low to moderate buyer switching costs CLC Response from powerful incumbents L] Relationship-driven industry C] Access to suppliers I. E. Arises C] Buyers need insurance and risk management solutions C] Small clients have simpler needs, but are price sensitive D Large clients need individualized solutions, and have high bargaining power C] Relationship-driven customer switching costs C] Difficulty realizing true value CLC Control policy form design C] Control premiums 0 Intense competition among carriers C] Direct marketing 0 Alternative Risk Solutions Industry Rivalry The United States insurance brokerage industry is highly competitive. Marsh, Non, Willis, and Arthur J. Gallagher are the strongest commercial brokerage competitors. The industry has undergone a long-standing trend of consolidation as larger brokerages acquire smaller competitors. Disintermediation is becoming increasingly apparent as more clients, 4 particularly those with simpler needs, are severing broker relationships and relying on technology to develop their own, cost-effective risk management programs. Though, clients recognize the value of the brokers supplier function, many clients fail to realize the true value of the brokers problem solver function. Because switching costs are relatively low, clients can easily rancher to another brokerage that clients believe is capable of providing them the best coverage at the best price. Brokers who fail to address the consolidation, disintermediation, and value non-recognition trends threatening the industry will succumb to pressures stemming from increased rivalry. New entrants pose little threat to the US brokerage industry. Though, it is relatively easy to start an insurance brokerage firm, new entrants face hostile responses from industry incumbents. To build a book of business, new entrants must convince potential clients to dissolve pre-existing broker-client relationships. To provide clients the right products at the right price, new entrants must also establish strong broker-carrier relationships. The chosen brokers relationship with carriers, will largely influence the clients risk management program. Built on trust, this relationship-driven industry has high entry barriers lessening the threat new entrants pose to established brokers. Buyers Commercial insurance brokers face moderate forces from large clients and strong forces from small clients. Small clients are those with simpler risk management needs and large clients generally have more complex portfolios. Large clients exert moderate buyer power on brokers because large clients cannot easily find substitutes to their brokers problem solver and partner functions. However, large clients have a higher switching costs compared to small clients 5 because it takes time to rebuild relationships, trust, and understanding with a new broker. Small clients exert strong buyer power on brokers because traditionally, small clients do not avail broker services and have a harder time realizing the true value brokers provide. Small clients can easily access inferior broker alternatives and are more price sensitive. However, buyers relinquish some power since all clients need a means of risk transfer. Buyer power is weakened when considering brokers can leverage relationships with carriers to provide clients with better coverage. The commercial brokerage industry is heavily relationship-driven, wherein most clients tend to remain loyal to their broker. The primary factor disrupting existing broker-client relationships is severe pressure for cost reduction. Overall, buyer power is increasing more clients fail to recognize the true value brokers provide and consider alternative solutions to manage risk. Suppliers Suppliers have considerable strength in the LOS brokerage industry. Insurance carriers largely derive power from control over capacity, policy design, and ability to accept or decline a risk. Without broker-carrier understanding brokers are incapable of adequately serving clients. Strong supplier power is also driven by intense competition among the carriers themselves. However, since carriers compete to ensure that their products are brokers first choice recommendation, supplier power slightly diminishes. Overall, suppliers exert great strength over the commercial brokerage industry. Insurance brokers face a weak to moderate level of threat from substitutes because generally clients are most comfortable entrusting experts with their risk management, consulting, and procurement needs. However, disintermediation through technology and increased 6 availability of alternative risk solutions are jeopardizing the brokers role. Currently, substitutes still pose little threat to the industry. If clients continue underestimate the true value brokers provide, the threat of substitutes will strengthen and exert increased competitive pressure on the commercial brokerage industry. The Virtual Insurance Procurement Portal Technology Integration The Virtual Insurance Procurement Portal (PIP Portal or IPP) is a resource planning system that automates the coverage procurement process, facilitates communication, and provides a cohesive, organized, center of information for enhanced client management. The portal will integrate seamlessly with Windows and MAC operating systems and will be available in standard, touch, and mobile options. Because the IPP tool is designed to enrich the borderline relationship, it must be portable and provide constant access to client-related material. Due to the highly sensitive nature of client information, the IPP will employ state-of-the-art security encryption to ensure account integrity is always protected. Interface The interface will have an intuitive, visually appealing, tiled interface. Each of the tiles is customize able and will provide quicklime to selected information such as policies, interaction logs, chat, conferencing, client preferences, loss history, and industry benchmarking data. The platform will leverage a licensing agreement with Google data analytics to provide superior search capability within client accounts. As an example, the broker will be able to err policy limits, and the portal will return, the per-occurrence and aggregate limits of each policy as well 7 as any deductibles and exclusions. In the event of a loss, the broker will be able to best assist the client regardless of either users location or time. Users can set preferences within each client profile, so they will receive industry- specific news from insurance publications such as Advised and Business Insurance. This will ensure clients are consistently up-to-date on the broad issues affecting clients. Brokers will be able to directly interface with the carriers through the portal or Reps, and carriers will be able to directly upload policy deliverables into the portal. The portal will be able to Scan and quickly return key information, such as rates and exclusions, to the brokers. From the clients perspective, the portal will also have an intuitive, tiled approach, and work similarly to the brokers version. However, certain information, such as internal procedures will be excluded from the clients view. With all marketing and Reps results stored in the application, this will eliminate the administrative burden of preparing transparencies, as made requisite by the 2004 Spirits investigate. Storage and Maintenance The PIP Portal will include 24/7 customer service to detect and repair bug issues, and will make use of site management to ensure that all applications are consistently fully operational. Data storage will be securely encrypted and will be outsourced by a cud storage firm. This platform will be downloaded online, and will not require any hardware or packaged software. The platform will integrate with legacy information and underwriting systems as well the Microsoft suite. This will allow for steady assimilation to the product and will enable brokers to employ the most optimal mix of resources. Financial Market Entry We propose that the IPP be developed in-house, by a large brokerage firm. Due to lack of proof of concept at this stage, it may be difficult to find venture capital. Evidence supporting proof of concept will come from beta testing. Following development, the brokerage firm will have ownership of the PIP Portal. Business Model Our estimates indicate that about $1 will be required to develop a functioning prototype. During beta testing, the brokerage will partner in capital formation, which will enable developers to bring the software to optimal functionality and ensure that the software is capable of large-scale use. The portal is designed to syntactically align with the broker process and become inextricable from placement and client-servicing processes. During the three year battening phase, market share will be low at approximately half a percent. This period will allow brokers, partner carriers, and clients to collaborate and ensure that the tool provides maximum utility and enhances the brokers value-proposition. Upon completion of the beta phase, the brokerage firm will garner significant competitive advantage through full integration of legacy systems in place. Benefits and Cost Savings From a cost and benefit perspective, PIP Portal will increase process efficiencies in placement and servicing drastically reduce transaction costs, add value, and increase clients willingness to pay. We believe that IPP will provide savings for the broker by reducing the 9 number of staff needed to properly service an account and providing tools to assist the client as effectively as possible. The IPP solution will reduce administrative costs, increase efficiency, and provide savings on transaction costs. This does not necessitate a direct monetary discount for clients, but it ill provide greater utility and competitive advantage by increasing value relative to premium paid. Further proof of concept will provide greater clarity on the amount Of savings and the increase in productivity that will result from implementation of the PIP Portal. Financial Analysis By interviewing Bill Mortar, an adjunct professor at Temple University and an IT professional with knowledge in software development, our team estimated development costs for the IPP. The portal will need to be developed in phases. We designed a four-phase implementation process with varying development time and costs. Phase is currently underway and primarily involves researching design functionality and capability. Phases II through IV will build proof of concept that the PIP Portal must establish prior to implementation. The table below shows a breakdown of the four phases and major tasks that must be achieved in each phase. Phase I (6 months) Setting the business requirements Functionality and navigation considerations Screen mock-ups Total Cost Phase I Cost $50,000 Phase II (6 months) Translating business requirements Database structure Detailed software design and documentation Total cost of Phase II 150,000 10 Phase Ill (12 months) Coding Portal testing Bug tracking Total Cost of Phase Ill $700,000 Phase IV (12 months) Beta version testing Further development Maintenance Considerations Total Cost of Phase IV $1 75,000 Estimated Total Time Estimated Total Cost 36 months The team estimated the total time for development and testing to be 36 months at a cost Of $1 We have estimated the amount of value the PIP Portal could provide to a brokerage firm by conducting a net present value (NIP) analysis. According to Hoovers, the insurance agency and brokerage industry in the United States cords approximately 100 billion in revenue annually, and is expected to experience medium growth over the next 1 2 to 24 months. We decided a 5% growth rate is a reasonable assumption based on Hoovers data. We used very conservative numbers to estimate the extent of additional market share a brokerage firm could capture after implementation. Our assumptions is that a firm could capture an extra . 5% of industry revenue in the first year after the three year beta phase and is adjusted up to 3% at year five.