Monday, September 23, 2019

Week 5 Discussion - INTL5645 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Week 5 Discussion - INTL5645 - Assignment Example When leaving, he further instructs the lady to use a single chalk a day since the school has no adequate facilities. The lack of the basic learning facilities further compromises the quality of education that the students I the villages setups receive. Furthermore, the film does not depict any form of government intervention to salvage the sorry state of village education. The film further develops a theme on child labor. This aggravates the already bad state of education in the country. In a bid to cater for their personal effects, the destitute children take up menial jobs in the village. Lianjiang (8), asserts that â€Å"28 PERCENT OF CHILDREN LIVING IN THE COUNTRYSIDE ARE LEFT BEHIND BY THEIR PARENTS WHO SEEK EMPLOYMNET IN THE URBAN CITIES† . Wei the small inexperienced teacher comes to discover that Zhang has quit school to look for work in the city. Zhang is a child and not within the employable age, however, due to lack effective monitoring structures he finds menial jobs in the city and soon forgets about school. This casts a dark shadow on the future of the country’s economy besides securing an ever obscure future for the rural dwellers. China has one of the largest human populations in the world. Every year during winter, many Chinese usually go back home. This usually results in a logistic problems as the railway transport system gets overwhelmed. In this case, the analysis focuses on the movie The Last Train Home. In a broader perspective, the review seeks to bring to light the predicaments that Chinese immigrant workers face. Most of these Chinese workers are separated from their families. In this case, the focus is on the family illuminated on in the documentary. At the start, it is evident that the family is separated from one of their own who is called Qin. This is evident from the fact that the mother talks to her through the phone. They discuss issues regarding her report. Besides, when the

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