Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Nutrition Discussion Set 1

NUTR 2202 DISCUSSION SET I CHAPTERS 1-5 1. (30 points) Using Appendix H in your textbook: †¢ Fill in the calories, carbohydrate, fat and its components (sat, poly, mono, trans), and fiber values for each food/beverage in the table found on the last page of this Discussion Set. Remember to look at the portion and adjust values if the portion in the table is different than that listed in Appendix H. †¢ Add each column to get a total for all nutrients. Please answer this question by filling in the chart.TIP: we will also use this day’s intake for DS2 and DS3. Highlight the entries in your text and you won’t have to find them again. 2. (35 points) Using the example for how to calculate the energy from food (page 10 in the text): †¢ Determine what percentage of the calories for this day’s intake were from carbohydrate (CHO), total fat, and each type of fat. Percentage of the Calories from CHO: 41% Percentage of the Calories from total fat: 48% Sat. Fat: 17% Mono Fat: 8% Poly Fat: 4% Trans Fat: 3% †¢ Show or explain your calculations.To find the % of the calories that were from carbs I took the total amount of carbs consumed for the day (380. 3 g) and multiplied it by 4kcal/g (380. 3 x 4) to get 1521. 3 kcal. I then divided that product by my total overall calories for the day (3736. 5) to give me . 407, and from there a multiplied that number by 100 to give me 41%. *I used the same format for the remaining calculations. * Total Fat: 200. 3 x 9 = 1802. 7†¦.. 1802. 7/3736. 5 = . 482†¦. 0. 482 x 100 = 48% Sat Fat: 72. 55 x 9 = 652. 95†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦652. 95/3736. 5 = . 174†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦0. 74 x 100 = 17% Mono Fat: 34. 55 x 9 = 310. 95†¦.. 310. 95/3736. 5 = . 083†¦.. 0. 083 x 100 = 8% Poly Fat: 18. 1 x 9 = 162. 9†¦.. 162. 9/3736. 5 = . 043†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. 0. 043 x 100 = 4% Trans Fat: 13 x 9 = 117†¦. 117/3736. 5 = . 031†¦.. 0. 031 x 100 = 3% †¢ Compare the CHO and total fat values to the Accepta ble Macronutrient Distribution Ranges. The % of calories from carbs fell just short of AMDR’s range of 45 – 65% with a percentage of 41%. The % of calories from total fats was good amount over AMDR’s range of 20 – 35% with a percentage of 48% . (20 points) Using the information in Highlight 1 in your textbook, find a credible website that has nutrition and/or health information that is of interest to you: www. healthypeople. gov †¢ Give at least 3 ways you determined it was reliable. 1. The web address ends in â€Å". gov†. 2. The web page is often updated and its last update was on Thursday, September 20, 2012. 3. The web site is managed by the U. S Department of Health and Human Services and it states this at the bottom of each page of the website. Provide a summary of the information provided by the website and how it will be helpful to you (beyond what you have learned in the text). Healthy People is a scientifically based website that pro vides objectives and opportunities to help improve the health and lifestyles of all Americans. The website gives you multiple different topics regarding health (anything from Nutrition and Weight status to topics about Cancer) to help better inform you about the topic, how to act on the topic, and institutions/interventions working on the topic.It will be helpful to me because it provides me with information about some topics that I might not have known very much about, and if I am passionate or am directly affected by a topic, it gives me many different ways on how to act on the topic. 4. (10 points) What is the most common cause of peptic ulcers? What is recommended treatment? The most common cause is due to H. pylori bacterial infection. Recommended treatment is to treat for infection, eliminate any food that routinely causes indigestion or pain, and avoid coffee and caffeine- and alcohol- containing beverages. 5. 10 points) In your own words, describe the difference in soluble a nd insoluble fibers, including how they impact our health. Soluble fibers dissolve/absorb in contact with water and essentially swell up to form a gel like substance. Soluble fibers impact our health in that they help aid in keeping blood glucose at a moderate level and lowering cholesterol. Insoluble fibers are the exact opposite of soluble fibers in that they do not dissolve or absorb in water and pass through our digestive system with little or no change. Insoluble fibers help greatly with intestinal health (i. . hemorrhoid and constipation prevention). USE THE LABEL INFORMATION ON THE LAST PAGE of the Discussion Set FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE QUESTIONS. SHOW ANY CALCULATIONS NEEDED TO ARRIVE AT YOUR ANSWERS. 6. (10 points) What percentage of your AI for fiber would 2 servings of this food contribute to your day’s intake? My AI for fiber would be at right about 41 grams, therefore, 2 servings of this cereal (14 g fiber) would contribute to 29% of my day’s intake (14/4 1 = . 292†¦.. 0. 292 x 100 = 29. 2=29%). 7. (10 points) What type of fiber do you think is included in this food?I think it included both soluble and insoluble fiber because it has both oats (which contain soluble) and bran (which contain insoluble). 8. (5 points) What is the predominant ingredient in this food? Whole Oats 9. (10 points) Does this product contain trans fat? Tell me what information on the label justifies your answer. No, because it shows 0 grams next to trans-fat in the nutrition label, but even then some foods can still contain trans-fat even if it says 0g so I had to look at the ingredients to check to see if hydrogenated/ partially hydrogenated was in the list and in this case it was not. 0. (10 points) Would this be considered a low-fat food? Why or why not? No, because generally for it to be considered a low fat food it needs to have 3g or less fat per serving, and this product has 7g. 5 EC points: is your computer file named correctly? [pic] NOTE—t his page is in Landscape format so it will be wider than the previous pages and, if you print it out, should print in the Landscape orientation. FOOD |PORTION |CALORIES (kcal) |Carbohydrate (g) |FAT (g) | Sat (g) | Mono (g) | Poly (g) | Trans (g) |FIBER (g) | |Breakfast | | | | | | | | | | |Skim milk |1. cups |124. 5 kcal |18. 3 g |0. 3 g |0. 15 g |0. 15 g |0 g |——— |0 g | |Cracklin’ Oat Bran |1 cup |267 kcal |46. 7 g |9. 3 g |4. 0 g |4. 7 g |1. 3 g |0 g |8. 0 g | |A. M. Snack | | | | | | | | | | |Popcorn (popped in oil) |2 cups |128 kcal |10. 0 g |9. 6 g |1. 6 g |2. 2 g |5. 2 g |——– |1. 8 g | |Kool-Aid |16 oz. |216 kcal |55. 6 g |0 g | 0 g |0 g |0 g |——– |0. 4 g | |Lunch | | | | | | | | | | |Jack in the Box. Ultimate Cheeseburger |1 |1010 kcal |53. 0 g |71. 0 g |28. 0 g |——– |——- |3. 0 g |2. g | |Jack in the Box Onion Rings |1 serving |500 kcal |51. 0 g |30. 0 g |6. 0 g | Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€ |——— |10 g |3. 0 g | |Coke (regular) |12 oz. |136 kcal |35. 2 g |0. 1 g |0 g |0 g |0 g |——- |0 g | |P. M. Snack | | | | | | | | | | |Peanut Butter cookies |3 |489 kcal |50. 7 g |27. 6 g |5. 1 g |14. 1 g |6. 9 g |——– |2. 7 g | |Tap Water |2 cups |0 kcal |0 g |0 g | 0 g | 0 g | 0 g | 0 g | 0 g | |Dinner | | | | | | | | | | |Potato, baked (flesh only) |? cup |57 kcal |13. 1 g |0. 1 g |0 g |0 g |0 g |——— |0. g | |Butter |3 tablespoons |306 kcal |0 g |34. 5 g |21. 9 g |9. 0 g |1. 2 g |——— |0 g | |Ham, cured, boneless, 11% fat, roasted |6 ounces |302 kcal |0 g |15. 4 g |5. 4 g |3. 8 g |2. 4 g |———- |0 g | |Yellow sweet corn, boiled, drained |1 cup |178 kcal |41. 2 g |2. 2 g |0. 4 g |0. 6 g |1 g |———- |4. 6 g | |Strawberries, raw |? cup |23 kcal |5. 5 g |0. 2 g |0 g |0 g |0. 1 g |——— |1. 4 g | | TOTALS | —à ¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- |3736. 5 kcal |380. 3 g |200. 3 g |72. 55 g |34. 55 g |18. 1 g |13 g |24. 8 g | |

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