Monday, February 24, 2020

The U.K Governments Policy of Deficit Reduction Essay

The U.K Governments Policy of Deficit Reduction - Essay Example s printing money, but that too had its ill effects, such as people do not sit with such money in hand, rather they spend it, creating demand for goods and then it can lead to inflation. Without printing money the government can resort to borrowing, but that will include equal amount of less private spending, thus jobs created by stimulus spending will be equaled by jobs lost by decline in private spending. Another case is where the people can investment in government bonds when they know that taxes would go up. This will put the net effect to zero (Cochrane, 2009). UK government could have taken the path decreasing corporate and income taxes instead of increasing them. Tax increase immediately leads to more money getting accumulated, as liquidity trap, and less mobility. Tax cuts on the other hand could have increased the overall spending and helped reduce the crisis. Government spending is another component of aggregate expenditure. If the government expenditure increased then the b enefits of multiplier effect could have been derived (Petroff). It has been debated whether these policies of the UK Government were appropriate in this context. Firstly, the Government declared an increase in taxes. This was expected to lower the level of production in the economy. Secondly, high taxes in an economy also have a deterring effect on the taxpayers because citizens have tried to evade taxes in economies which have imposed high levels of taxation. Thirdly, the reduction in Government spending was also supposed to lower the economic production. Fourthly, reduction in Government spending could have a detrimental effect on the consumer and the investor spending which would further decrease the level of its production. Fifth, when the Government of a country decreases its spending... This essay declares that the UK government could have come up with other alternative policies such as printing money, but that too had its ill effects, such as people do not sit with such money in hand, rather they spend it, creating demand for goods and then it can lead to inflation. Without printing money the government can resort to borrowing, but that will include equal amount of less private spending, thus jobs created by stimulus spending will be equaled by jobs lost by decline in private spending. Another case is where the people can investment in government bonds when they know that taxes would go up. This will put the net effect to zero. This paper makes a conclusion that UK government could have taken the path decreasing corporate and income taxes instead of increasing them. Tax increase immediately leads to more money getting accumulated, as liquidity trap, and less mobility. Tax cuts on the other hand could have increased the overall spending and helped reduce the crisis. Government spending is another component of aggregate expenditure. If the government expenditure increased then the benefits of multiplier effect could. It has been debated whether these policies of the UK Government were appropriate in this context. The decision to finance higher education and designing policies for its betterment is crucial for any economy. Often students opt out of higher education due to the cost and as a result there arises shortages of qualitative human capital

Friday, February 7, 2020

Remember the Titans Film Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Remember the Titans Film Paper - Essay Example Yoast as expected does not like this. Boone too does not like it. He had lost his job in North Carolina, and does not want the same to happen to Yoast. "I cant do that to this man." he says in the movie. However the black residents of Alexandria come and cheer Boone. For them he is the first black coach of the integrated high school. This makes Boone realize that he has taken on a responsibility. The white players of the team do not want to play for a black coach. Yoast sets aside his pride and agrees to be an assistant to Boone when he realizes that the white boys will be losing their college scholarships if they do not play. In the beginning tensions are high in the team between the white and black players and between the white and black members of the coaching staff. However during the rigorous training camp, the team comes together. Their common goal, which is victory, binds them. The team puts aside all differences and builds friendships uniting the entire community in the proce ss. The team sets a fine example of racial harmony. The white players inspire their parents to open their doors to black players hitherto closed to black players. And the white neighbors of Coach Boone who some time ago had thrown bricks at his house, cheer him when he returns home victorious. African Americans dominate sports like basketball and football. This has led to the African Americans to be stereotyped. Many believe that the success of blacks in sports is the result of their inherent, biological traits and also many assume that African Americans mental capacity is not very high since they excel in physical activity. Remember the Titans attempts to debunk this theory. Racism is the underlying message which runs albeit, a little slowly, throughout the movie. It is about a team in harmony. The director of the movie, Boaz Yakin, through many sentimental scenes, puts this sentiment across. In one scene, Yoast confides